10 Emory Summer Programs for High School Students

Summer is not just a break from school; it's also an excellent opportunity for high school students to explore their interests, gain new skills, and prepare for college life. Emory University, located in Atlanta, Georgia, offers a wide range of exciting summer programs tailored specifically for high school students. These programs provide a unique chance to experience college-level academics, engage with like-minded peers, and discover new passions. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to 10 Emory Summer Programs that can help shape your future and make your summer unforgettable.

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Emory Summer Programs for High School Students


Emory's Pre-College Program is a prestigious opportunity for rising high school juniors and seniors to immerse themselves in the world of college academics. It provides an invaluable taste of the university experience, allowing students to choose from a diverse array of college-level courses spanning the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and more. Through rigorous coursework and engaging discussions, participants not only prepare for the intellectual challenges of higher education but also have the chance to earn college credit while still in high school. This immersive program fosters independence, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of academic disciplines, giving students a head start on their educational journey.

Beyond the classroom, Pre-College Program participants become part of Emory's vibrant campus community. They have access to state-of-the-art facilities, engage with renowned faculty, and connect with like-minded peers from around the world. This blend of academic rigor and a supportive learning environment makes the Pre-College Program a transformative experience that not only enriches high school students' knowledge but also equips them with the confidence and skills needed to succeed in college and beyond.


The Emory Young Writers Workshop is a haven for budding wordsmiths and creative minds. High school students passionate about the written word find themselves in an inspiring environment where they can hone their craft and explore various genres of writing. With the guidance of accomplished faculty members and guest authors, participants engage in writing workshops, critique sessions, and literary discussions that elevate their storytelling abilities. Moreover, the program offers opportunities for students to see their work published, fostering a sense of accomplishment and pride in their writing accomplishments.

Beyond enhancing their writing skills, attendees of the Young Writers Workshop forge lasting friendships with fellow wordsmiths who share their love for storytelling and expression. The program also immerses students in the rich literary culture of Emory University, which has a long history of nurturing creative writers and literary scholars. Whether you aspire to be a novelist, poet, journalist, or simply want to explore the world of creative writing, this program provides an ideal platform to refine your voice and pursue your passion for storytelling.


For high school students with dreams of becoming doctors, nurses, or healthcare professionals, Emory's Pre-Health Scholars Program is a transformative stepping stone. This rigorous program offers a comprehensive introduction to the healthcare field, providing students with an immersive experience that includes clinical shadowing, hands-on medical simulations, and in-depth discussions on healthcare ethics. Participants gain a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards of a career in healthcare while learning from experienced faculty and healthcare professionals. They also have the unique opportunity to explore Emory's world-class medical facilities and gain insight into the cutting-edge research being conducted at the university.

What sets this program apart is its emphasis on mentorship and networking. Pre-Health Scholars have access to a supportive community of peers who share their passion for medicine, as well as guidance from seasoned healthcare mentors who offer invaluable advice on navigating the path to a healthcare career. Whether you're interested in medicine, nursing, or any other healthcare-related field, this program equips you with the knowledge, skills, and connections needed to pursue your aspirations in the world of healthcare.


Emory's Pre-Law Scholars Program is a prestigious opportunity for high school students aspiring to become lawyers, legal scholars, or policymakers. Through this intensive program, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, engage in mock trials, and interact with legal professionals. They explore the intricacies of the legal system, honing their analytical thinking and argumentation skills while deepening their appreciation for the rule of law.

Beyond the classroom, Pre-Law Scholars benefit from Emory's strong connections with the legal community. They have the opportunity to visit law firms, attend court proceedings, and interact with practicing attorneys and judges. This program not only provides a solid foundation in law but also offers valuable insights into the legal profession, helping students make informed decisions about their future careers. Whether you're passionate about justice, advocacy, or public policy, the Pre-Law Scholars Program at Emory sets the stage for a successful journey toward a career in the legal field.


In partnership with Emory's prestigious Rollins School of Public Health, the Global Epidemiology and Biostatistics Institute offers a unique and impactful summer experience for high school students interested in public health and epidemiology. This program provides a hands-on introduction to the world of public health, focusing on critical topics such as disease prevention, epidemiological methods, and global health challenges. Participants engage in immersive learning experiences, including fieldwork, data analysis, and discussions on public health ethics. They also have the opportunity to work on real-world public health projects, contributing to the betterment of global health outcomes.

The Global Epidemiology and Biostatistics Institute not only equips students with essential skills but also encourages a broader perspective on global health issues. Participants are exposed to the diverse and complex challenges facing healthcare systems worldwide, fostering empathy and a sense of responsibility to make a positive impact. This program is an excellent choice for students who aspire to address pressing health concerns on a global scale.


Emory's Youth Theological Initiative (YTI) is a transformative summer program for high school students interested in theology, religious studies, and ethical discourse. Through YTI, participants engage in thought-provoking theological discussions, community service projects, and personal spiritual exploration. The program encourages critical thinking, interfaith dialogue, and a deeper understanding of faith traditions from around the world.

YTI participants not only benefit from the academic rigor of theological inquiry but also foster a sense of social responsibility through their community engagement activities. This holistic approach to spirituality and ethics equips students with the tools to navigate complex moral and ethical questions, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to explore the intersection of faith, service, and social justice.


For high school students passionate about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Emory's STEM Research Experience offers an unparalleled opportunity to dive into the world of scientific research. Participants work closely with esteemed faculty mentors, participating in cutting-edge research projects in fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, and more. This hands-on experience allows students to develop essential research skills, including experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication.

What sets this program apart is the chance to contribute to ongoing scientific inquiries. Students may find themselves making discoveries that advance our understanding of the natural world or developing solutions to real-world problems. The STEM Research Experience at Emory not only prepares high school students for future careers in STEM but also ignites a passion for scientific discovery that can last a lifetime.


In an era where addressing environmental and social justice issues is paramount, Emory's Sustainability and Social Justice Academy provides a platform for high school students to make a meaningful impact. Participants delve into sustainability, environmental ethics, and social justice topics through a combination of classroom learning and hands-on experiences. This program empowers students to think critically about pressing global challenges, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to become informed advocates for a more sustainable and just world.

Beyond the academic components, this academy places a strong emphasis on community engagement and service. Students actively participate in service projects that address local and global issues, putting theory into practice. By exploring the intersections of sustainability and social justice, participants develop a holistic understanding of how individual and collective actions can lead to positive change.


Emory's Summer Academy offers a diverse array of college-level courses in various subjects, catering to a wide range of interests. Whether you're passionate about psychology, history, mathematics, or any other field, you'll find engaging courses taught by experienced faculty. This program allows high school students to delve into their academic interests, challenge themselves with rigorous coursework, and earn college credit in the process.

Summer Academy participants also benefit from the vibrant Emory campus environment. They have the opportunity to connect with peers who share their intellectual curiosity and engage in extracurricular activities that enrich their overall summer experience. Whether you're looking to explore a new subject or delve deeper into an existing interest, the Summer Academy at Emory provides a flexible and intellectually stimulating summer option.


High school students with a passion for science and a desire to contribute to the fight against cancer can participate in Emory's Winship Cancer Institute Summer Scholars Program. This immersive experience provides an opportunity to work closely with leading researchers at the Winship Cancer Institute, one of the nation's top cancer centers. Participants engage in cutting-edge cancer research projects, gaining hands-on laboratory experience and contributing to the advancement of our understanding of cancer biology.

Beyond the laboratory, scholars have the chance to attend seminars, meet renowned oncologists, and gain insights into the multi-faceted nature of cancer care and research. This program not only enhances scientific skills but also nurtures a sense of purpose by actively participating in cancer research that has the potential to impact the lives of countless individuals. It's an ideal program for high school students interested in pursuing careers in cancer research or healthcare.


Emory University's array of summer programs for high school students represents a gateway to academic exploration, personal growth, and invaluable experiences. These programs cater to diverse interests and aspirations, providing a unique opportunity to discover new passions, gain essential skills, and prepare for the future. By immersing themselves in Emory's dynamic academic and social environment, participants not only expand their horizons but also forge lasting connections with peers who share their ambitions.

Whether you aspire to become a doctor, lawyer, writer, scientist, or advocate for social change, Emory's summer programs offer a transformative journey of self-discovery and education. These programs blend academic excellence with hands-on experiences, mentorship, and exposure to cutting-edge research, all set against the backdrop of Emory's vibrant campus and the cultural richness of Atlanta.

In choosing one of these 10 Emory Summer Programs for High School Students, you are embarking on a path that not only prepares you for the rigors of higher education but also nurtures your passions and empowers you to make a meaningful impact on the world. So, seize the opportunity to make your summer unforgettable, enrich your knowledge, and cultivate the skills that will shape your future. Emory University welcomes you to a summer of growth, discovery, and limitless possibilities.

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AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.


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