20 Free Summer Programs for High School Students in 2024

As the academic year draws to a close and the warmth of summer approaches, high school students find themselves at the intersection of leisure and opportunity. Summer break provides a valuable hiatus from textbooks and exams, offering a chance for students to explore new interests, acquire valuable skills, and add a unique flair to their college applications. While the allure of relaxation is undeniable, the summer months present an ideal canvas for personal and intellectual growth.

To harness the full potential of these sun-soaked days, we've curated a list of 20 Free Summer Programs for High School Students. From the realms of space exploration and coding to cultural immersion and environmental leadership, these programs offer a diverse range of experiences that not only enrich the mind but also open doors to new perspectives and possibilities. Let this summer be more than just a break – let it be a journey of exploration, learning, and self-discovery.

Interested in learning more about AI? Find out how YOU can apply artificial intelligence to the subjects that interest you in InspiritAI’s AI Scholars Program. Students in the Inspirit AI Scholars program craft interdisciplinary AI projects engaging subjects of personal interest to them. Additionally, many students who have participated in the AI+X Individual Research Mentorship have gone on to win prestigious awards at various science fair competitions! Also be sure to check out our previous blog post on learning AI. 

20 Free Summer Programs for High School Students in 2024

1. NASA Internships for High School Students

Embark on a celestial journey with NASA's Internships for High School Students, an unparalleled opportunity for young minds fascinated by the cosmos. This program isn't just about stargazing; it's about actively participating in cutting-edge space research. Imagine constructing model rockets, analyzing space data, or even contributing to ongoing space exploration projects. Working side by side with NASA scientists and engineers, participants get a rare behind-the-scenes look at the organization's groundbreaking initiatives. From attending workshops on the latest advancements in space technology to gaining hands-on experience, this internship propels students into the thrilling world of space science, fostering a passion that may well lead to future breakthroughs.

2. Khan Academy

Khan Academy isn't just an online learning platform; it's a dynamic and personalized educational experience designed to empower students at their own pace. Dive into subjects such as mathematics, science, and humanities through a variety of interactive exercises and video tutorials. What sets Khan Academy apart is its adaptability—lessons are tailored to individual progress, providing instant feedback and reinforcement where needed. Whether you're looking to solidify your understanding of algebra or delve into the complexities of physics, Khan Academy serves as an ever-accessible resource, making learning engaging, interactive, and tailored to your academic journey. Track your progress, tackle challenges, and unlock a world of knowledge through this innovative educational tool.

3. Google's Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI)

Google's CSSI is more than a coding program; it's a transformative experience for aspiring technologists. Designed for underrepresented students, CSSI is a gateway into the world of computer science and software development. Participants not only learn coding languages but also collaborate on group projects, solving real-world problems under the guidance of Google engineers. The program goes beyond syntax and algorithms, fostering a passion for innovation and critical thinking. CSSI is a stepping stone, offering mentorship and insights into the tech industry, inspiring the next generation of diverse and creative minds in the ever-evolving world of technology.

4. Smithsonian Young Ambassador Program

The Smithsonian Young Ambassador Program is a cultural odyssey for students eager to explore the world of art, science, and history. This immersive experience offers exclusive access to the vast collections of the Smithsonian museums, allowing participants to engage with artifacts and historical narratives firsthand. But it's not just about observation; Young Ambassadors actively contribute to educational initiatives, working alongside experts to curate experiences that bring culture and history to life. This program is a passport to understanding and preserving our rich cultural heritage while developing essential skills in communication, curation, and community engagement.

5. Bank of America Student Leaders Program

The Bank of America Student Leaders Program is more than an internship; it's a leadership journey that empowers students to drive positive change in their communities. Participants collaborate with nonprofits, applying their skills to develop community projects that address real societal challenges. This hands-on experience isn't confined to the field; it extends to a leadership summit where students engage with influential leaders, fostering a network that transcends their summer experience. The program instills a sense of responsibility and leadership, equipping students with the tools to make a lasting impact in the communities they serve.

6. National Youth Science Camp (NYSC)

NYSC is not just a camp; it's an intellectual adventure for young scientists hungry for knowledge and discovery. Attend lectures from Nobel laureates and industry pioneers, gaining insights into the latest advancements in various scientific fields. But the learning doesn't stop there; participants engage in hands-on experiments, delving into the practical application of scientific theories. Beyond the laboratory, NYSC embraces the great outdoors, fostering a holistic approach to scientific exploration. Surrounded by like-minded peers, participants forge connections and friendships that extend beyond the camp, creating a community of budding scientists with a shared passion for inquiry and discovery.

7. Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program

The Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is a transformative experience for young women aspiring to make their mark in the world of technology. This program goes beyond coding, providing participants with a comprehensive view of the tech industry and its myriad opportunities. Through immersive experiences, participants not only learn coding languages but also work on real-world projects, gaining insights into the collaborative and innovative nature of tech careers. Surrounded by a supportive community of female professionals, participants not only hone their coding skills but also develop the confidence to pursue careers in a traditionally male-dominated field.

8. Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)

YYGS is more than an academic program; it's a global community where young minds converge to explore, learn, and connect. Participants delve into college-level coursework in various disciplines, attending seminars and workshops led by Yale faculty and industry experts. Beyond the classroom, YYGS fosters a diverse and inclusive environment where students from around the world share their perspectives, creating a rich tapestry of global awareness. This program is not just about academic enrichment; it's about developing a global perspective, honing leadership skills, and forging lasting connections with peers who share a passion for learning and making a positive impact on the world.

9. National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC)

NSLC is a leadership incubator where students explore their potential in fields such as medicine, law, engineering, and more. Through lectures, simulations, and hands-on experiences, participants gain valuable insights into their chosen field while developing critical leadership skills. The program extends beyond academic exploration, providing a taste of college life and fostering a community of emerging leaders. NSLC is not just about learning; it's about discovering one's ability to lead and make a meaningful impact in their chosen field, laying the foundation for future success.

10. MIT LaunchX

MIT LaunchX is an entrepreneurial journey for high school students with a passion for innovation and business. Guided by experienced mentors, participants don't just learn about entrepreneurship; they actively build and launch their own startup ventures. From ideation to creating a viable business model, participants navigate the complexities of the entrepreneurial landscape, gaining practical skills and insights that extend far beyond the confines of the program. MIT LaunchX is not just about starting a business; it's about fostering a mindset of innovation, resilience, and creativity that can shape participants' future endeavors.

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11. Environmental Leadership Program (ELP)

ELP is a call to action for environmentally conscious high school students looking to make a positive impact on the planet. Through hands-on conservation projects, participants delve into the practical aspects of environmental stewardship. ELP not only imparts knowledge about sustainability but also cultivates leadership skills, empowering participants to become advocates for the environment. This program is a bridge between passion and action, inspiring the next generation of environmental leaders who understand the interconnectedness of our world and are committed to creating a sustainable future.

12. Amigos de las Americas

Amigos de las Americas is more than a cultural exchange program; it's an immersive experience that combines language immersion with community service in Latin America. Participants don't just visit communities; they become an integral part of them, engaging in meaningful service projects while honing language skills through daily interactions. This program fosters cross-cultural understanding, empathy, and a sense of global citizenship, leaving participants with not only language proficiency but also a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives and the impact of community-driven initiatives.

13. Codecademy

Codecademy is a virtual playground for aspiring coders. Through interactive lessons, participants learn coding languages and develop practical skills applicable to real-world scenarios. The platform's hands-on approach allows individuals to apply what they learn immediately, making it an ideal resource for beginners and those looking to enhance their coding prowess. Codecademy is not just about learning syntax; it's about building a foundation for a future in technology, whether in web development, data science, or other coding domains.

14. Coursera

Coursera opens the door to a world-class education, offering free courses from top universities worldwide. Participants can explore a diverse array of subjects, earning certificates upon completion. The platform's flexibility allows individuals to tailor their learning experience to their interests and goals. Coursera is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about democratizing education, making high-quality learning accessible to anyone, anywhere, and providing a pathway for continuous personal and professional development.

15. Human Rights Campaign Youth Ambassadors Program

The Human Rights Campaign Youth Ambassadors Program is a platform for young activists to champion LGBTQ+ rights and social justice. Participants engage in activism, community outreach, and leadership development, gaining the skills and knowledge to effect positive change. This program is not just about advocacy; it's about creating a network of empowered youth committed to fostering inclusivity, equality, and justice in their communities and beyond.

16. TeenLife

TeenLife serves as a comprehensive platform connecting high school students with a myriad of summer programs, internships, and volunteer opportunities tailored to their interests. Whether participants are looking to explore academic enrichment, cultural immersion, or community service, TeenLife provides a centralized hub for discovering diverse and enriching experiences. The platform is not just about options; it's about empowering students to shape their summer experiences based on their passions and aspirations.

17. National Geographic Student Expeditions

National Geographic Student Expeditions offer an immersive journey into the worlds of photography, filmmaking, or environmental science. Participants don't just observe; they actively engage with professionals, gaining hands-on skills and insights. The expeditions go beyond the traditional classroom, fostering a deep connection between participants and their chosen field. National Geographic Student Expeditions are not just about exploration; they're about creating lasting memories, forging connections with experts, and developing a profound appreciation for the power of storytelling in science and exploration.

18. Global Glimpse

Global Glimpse provides transformative travel experiences focused on leadership development and cultural immersion in Latin America. Participants don't just visit; they live with local families, engage in community service, and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of the culture. Global Glimpse is not just about travel; it's about creating global citizens who understand the complexities of the world, appreciate diverse perspectives, and are equipped with the leadership skills to make a positive impact.

19. Young Writers' Camp

The Young Writers' Camp is a haven for budding wordsmiths, offering a creative space to nurture and express their passion for writing. Through workshops, writing exercises, and collaboration with fellow writers, participants don't just refine their craft; they cultivate their unique voices and storytelling styles. The camp is not just about writing; it's about creating a community of young authors who share a love for words, imagination, and the power of storytelling.

20. The Moth High School StorySLAM

The Moth High School StorySLAM is more than a storytelling event; it's a platform for students to share their personal narratives with a wider audience. Participants don't just recount stories; they connect with diverse listeners, creating an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. The StorySLAM is not just about storytelling; it's about empowering individuals to embrace vulnerability, find common ground through shared experiences, and recognize the transformative power of storytelling in building connections and fostering community.


The impact of these free summer programs lingers in the minds of participating high school students. From delving into the mysteries of the cosmos with NASA to honing coding skills with Girls Who Code, each program leaves an indelible mark on the journey of personal and academic development. As students return to the familiar halls of high school with newfound knowledge and experiences, they carry with them the seeds of curiosity and the confidence to embrace future challenges.

These 20 Free Summer Programs for High School Students serve as a reminder that summer can be more than a hiatus – it can be a launchpad for passions, a bridge to new friendships, and a canvas for dreams yet to be realized. Here's to a summer well spent and a future brightly illuminated by the lessons learned under the warm glow of the summer sun.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.


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