9 Best Gap Year Programs after High School

Embarking on a gap year after high school is a transformative and liberating choice that offers young individuals a unique opportunity to break away from the traditional academic trajectory and embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and cultural exploration. This pivotal year serves as a bridge between the familiar confines of high school and the uncharted territories of higher education or the professional world. The concept of a gap year has evolved beyond being a mere break from academic pursuits; it has become a deliberate and purposeful decision to step out of one's comfort zone, explore diverse landscapes, and gain a broader perspective on life.

In this blog post, we delve into the realm of possibilities by exploring the nine best gap year programs available after high school. From leadership-focused initiatives to culturally immersive experiences and service-oriented endeavors, these programs are designed to not only shape the participants' understanding of the world but also equip them with invaluable skills and insights that traditional classrooms may not provide. The following paragraphs will shed light on each program's unique offerings, providing a comprehensive guide for those seeking an enriching gap year experience.

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9 Best Gap Year Programs after High School

1. Global Citizen Year

Global Citizen Year is a transformative program that takes participants on a year-long journey to various corners of the globe, fostering deep connections with diverse communities. The program is designed to instill a sense of global citizenship, emphasizing leadership, cross-cultural understanding, and social impact. Participants spend their time living with host families, immersing themselves in local customs, and actively engaging in community projects. Through this unique experience, they gain a profound understanding of global issues, develop empathy, and acquire essential skills to become effective leaders in an interconnected world. Global Citizen Year equips young individuals with the tools needed to make a positive impact, not only on their own lives but on the broader global community.

2. Outward Bound

Outward Bound is synonymous with adventure, challenge, and personal growth. This renowned program offers wilderness-based experiences that push participants beyond their comfort zones, fostering resilience, teamwork, and self-discovery. Whether trekking through the rugged landscapes of the Rockies, navigating the waters of the Florida Keys, or scaling the heights of the Sierra Nevada, Outward Bound creates an environment where individuals learn to overcome obstacles, develop leadership skills, and build lasting connections with their peers. The wilderness becomes a classroom, and challenges become opportunities for personal development. Outward Bound's philosophy centers on the belief that through shared outdoor adventures, individuals can unlock their full potential, gaining a renewed sense of self-confidence and a lifelong appreciation for the natural world.

3. Raleigh International

Raleigh International is a globally recognized gap year program that combines adventure, community service, and environmental conservation. Operating in locations across Africa, Asia, and Central America, Raleigh International provides participants with a unique blend of personal development and positive impact on local communities. Participants engage in projects ranging from sustainable development and clean water initiatives to wildlife conservation and youth empowerment. Through hands-on experiences, cultural immersion, and expeditions, participants develop leadership skills, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of global challenges. Raleigh International offers a transformative gap year that not only broadens perspectives but also empowers young individuals to be agents of positive change in the world.

4. Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad stands out as a versatile gap year program offering participants the opportunity to tailor their experiences based on their interests and career goals. With projects in over 50 countries, ranging from conservation and healthcare initiatives to teaching and cultural immersion, this program allows individuals to customize their gap year adventure. Whether working with endangered wildlife in South Africa, providing medical assistance in Peru, or teaching English in Cambodia, participants gain valuable skills and insights while making a positive impact on the communities they serve. The flexibility and diversity of Projects Abroad make it an ideal choice for those seeking a personalized and impactful gap year experience.

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5. AmeriCorps NCCC

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) offers a unique gap year experience within the United States, centered on community service and teamwork. Participants, known as Corps Members, work on a variety of projects, including disaster relief, environmental conservation, and community development. This program provides a structured and supportive environment for young individuals to develop leadership skills, resilience, and a strong sense of civic responsibility. Whether responding to natural disasters, building homes, or supporting community organizations, AmeriCorps NCCC participants make a tangible difference in the lives of those they serve, gaining valuable experiences that shape their personal and professional growth.

6. Where There Be Dragons

Where There Be Dragons specializes in providing immersive, experiential learning programs in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and adventure, guided by experienced instructors who facilitate meaningful interactions with local communities. This program goes beyond typical travel experiences, encouraging participants to engage with pressing global issues, learn new languages, and develop a deep appreciation for diverse cultures. Whether trekking through the Himalayas, living with indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest, or exploring ancient traditions in Morocco, Where There Be Dragons offers a unique and transformative gap year experience that fosters personal growth and global awareness.

7. Gap Year at Sea with Semester at Sea

Gap Year at Sea with Semester at Sea is a distinctive program that transforms a traditional gap year into a global educational experience. Participants board a ship that becomes their floating campus, circumnavigating the globe while attending classes, engaging in cultural activities, and participating in service projects. This program offers a unique blend of academic study and experiential learning, providing participants with the opportunity to explore diverse cultures, understand global issues, and build lasting connections with fellow students from around the world. Gap Year at Sea with Semester at Sea is an unparalleled adventure that combines the excitement of travel with the rigor of academic inquiry, creating an immersive and intellectually stimulating gap year experience.

8. Rustic Pathways

Rustic Pathways is a leading provider of travel, service, and education programs for young individuals seeking a meaningful gap year experience. With programs in more than 20 countries, Rustic Pathways offers a diverse range of experiences, including community service projects, wildlife conservation initiatives, and leadership development opportunities. Participants engage in hands-on activities that contribute to positive change in local communities, all while gaining valuable skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and cultural sensitivity. Whether working on sustainable development projects in Fiji, exploring the rich history of Peru, or contributing to wildlife conservation efforts in Costa Rica, Rustic Pathways provides a well-rounded and impactful gap year experience.

9. City Year

City Year offers a unique gap year experience focused on education and community service within the United States. Participants, known as AmeriCorps members, serve as mentors and tutors in high-need schools, working to support students and create positive learning environments. This program allows young individuals to make a direct impact on their communities, addressing educational disparities and contributing to positive change. City Year emphasizes teamwork, leadership development, and personal growth, providing participants with valuable experiences and skills that prepare them for future academic and professional pursuits. This gap year program is a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect with their local communities and become catalysts for positive change in the education sector.


A gap year is not merely a hiatus between academic endeavors; it is a transformative journey that shapes the course of one's personal and professional life. The nine gap year programs highlighted in this blog post represent a diverse array of opportunities for young individuals to explore, learn, and grow. Whether through cultural immersion, community service, or wilderness adventures, each program offers a distinct path towards self-discovery and a deeper understanding of the world.

As you stand at the threshold of your gap year, consider the possibilities that lie ahead. These programs are not just a means of filling time; they are a canvas upon which you can paint the vivid strokes of your own growth and development. Whether you choose to build homes in a foreign land, navigate the seas on a floating campus, or immerse yourself in a new culture, your gap year is a chapter waiting to be written – a chapter that will influence your worldview, hone your skills, and shape the person you will become.

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AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.


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