Learning about iGEM: How to Compete in iGEM, Tips, and More!

What is iGEM? iGEM stands for Internationally Genetically Engineered Machine. More importantly, it refers to a global academic competition which teaches participants about group work, collaboration, and gaining a better understanding of synthetic biology, which we will discuss later. This competition started several years back, in 2004, and is renowned to this day. In this blog post, we will discuss what iGEM is, what synthetic biology is, how the competition works, which people should enter, and finally, why you should consider participating.


iGEM's primary objective is to challenge participants to design and construct genetically engineered biological systems. This task is more challenging than it may seem, because it involves aspects of not only biology, but also engineering. As teams collaborate and navigate the intricate landscape of synthetic biology, the competition becomes a stage for ideas that have the potential to reshape our scientific and technological future.

What is Synthetic Biology?

Before learning more details about iGEM, let us first talk about what synthetic biology is. If you are already familiarized with the topic or have learnt about it before, feel free to skip this section and move ahead! If not, here is a quick introduction.

Synthetic biology, at its core, is a field that combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science. It empowers scientists and researchers to redesign, create, and modify biological components, aiming to achieve specific functions or applications.

The potential for synthetic biology to transform a number of industries is what makes it so intriguing. These have a wide range of significant applications, from environmental sustainability to healthcare. In this setting, iGEM becomes an important actor in the development of the next generation of synthetic biologists. It provides an engaging environment for people to delve into the nuances of this cutting-edge profession, bridging the knowledge gap between theory and practice.

Who Should Participate in iGEM and Why?

You do not need to be a biologist in order to participate in iGEM; people from various academic backgrounds are encouraged to participate. If you are passionate about engineering, computer science, or biology, this competition will be of value. The strength of the competition lies in its inclusivity, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration that mirrors the complexity of real-world problem-solving. If you are a high schooler who finds that you have extra time on your hands, then consider this competition as a way to find a hobby to do in your freetime. 

Participating in a global competition may seem overwhelming at first, but let us look at the bigger picture. Firstly, if you have a knack for biology, computer science, or any sort of engineering, iGEM can bring you experience and greater knowledge in these fields: especially if they are ones that you could see yourself pursuing in the future.  You will also learn how to work with a team, problem-solving, and communicate your ideas. These are skills which one cannot learn simply by working individually. 

Of course, any extracurricular activity that you participate in will provide you with something for none other than: College Applications. Participating, or winning iGEM, is a valuable extracurricular which you can surely include in your college applications. Additionally, you may decide to participate in more competitions in the future, which will only make you a stronger competitor every time.

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How to Showcase iGEM on College Applications

Being a part of iGEM is a demonstration of your initiative and leadership abilities in addition to being an academic accomplishment. Students that actively seek out opportunities outside of the traditional classroom setting are highly valued by colleges and universities. Taking time out of your school year to dive more deeply into a topic that you are interested in, shows dedication, commitment, and a will to learn.

Universities are realizing more and more how crucial teamwork is to solving challenging problems. For your college applications, iGEM offers a distinctive story that highlights your capacity for collaborative work in a variety of teams. The interdisciplinary character of the competition exposes you to a variety of viewpoints and highlights your adaptability and collaborative mindset—qualities that are highly valued in today's academic and professional environment. Perhaps your iGEM experience stood out to you or changed your life in some way; you can write about it in your applications too!

Expanding on these points in your college application essays can provide admissions officers with a holistic view of your character, ambitions, and the unique skills you've honed through your iGEM experience.

Looking for ways to boost your college application? Check out this blog post.

How to Get Started with iGEM

It's thrilling to think about starting an iGEM journey, but knowing where to start might be important. Let's examine how you can get your iGEM journey off to a great start:

The first step to participating in iGEM is forming your team. Look into the iGEM teams that are currently in place at your school or in your area. If there are not any already, think about starting a team with fellow students who are passionate or skilled in biology, engineering, or computer science. It is ideal to experience iGEM's collaborative nature in a team setting, where members with various skill sets work together to solve challenging problems. You can also try asking your friends and see if they want to try something new!

Once you have formed your team, start researching synthetic biology. Make sure to choose a project that your team is intrigued by, but also one that will challenge you all and push you to learn something new. Most likely, as this will be your first time participating, do not be afraid to choose something that seems easier than the others. 

The next step is to turn your thoughts into practical experiments after you have a defined proposal. The core of iGEM is laboratory work, which gives you the chance to test and improve your concept in a safe setting. Using a variety of procedures and instruments, such as pipettes and genetic engineering techniques, this phase entails bringing your project to life. If you have not worked in a laboratory before, then this will teach you basics about working in one; this experience will be valuable if you see yourself working in a lab setting in the future. And if you have experience working in a laboratory, then you have an advantage!

In the field of iGEM, thorough documentation is just as important as conducting your experiments. Describe every stage of your project in detail, from the original idea to the finished products. This documentation is an important resource for the larger scientific community in addition to being a record of your work. Not only that, make sure that every member of your team has a specific part of the project that they have contributed to.

As you advance, begin getting ready for the iGEM presentation component. You'll need to explain the importance and potential impact of your project, so practice effective communication and presentation techniques. Transmitting difficult scientific ideas in an understandable way is a useful talent that goes far beyond iGEM.

Learn more about iGEM in this blog post.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, iGEM is more than just a competition; it's a doorway to an endless array of opportunities in synthetic biology. With its emphasis on collaboration, global reach, and interdisciplinary focus, iGEM provides a special environment for scientists and students to investigate, create, and advance science. Enrolling in iGEM is an important step into the cutting edge of scientific innovation and discovery, not just a step in your educational path. You're not only influencing your academic career as you work through the difficulties and successes of the iGEM program; you're also making a positive impact on a global movement that could expand the limits of synthetic biology.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Mohini Chahal, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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