The NIH Summer Internship High School Program

The NIH Summer Internship High School Program is not just a resume builder but a journey that will nourish students’ innovation and passion for science. Whether you are a prospective chem major or a person interested in computer science, this is the program for you.

In this blog post, we will be covering everything there is to know about the NIH Summer intern program, and how you can successfully apply and get in.

What is the NIH Summer Internship High School program?

Before we discuss the topics of the NIH Internship program and its benefits, it is important to know about the NIH itself and what the program entails.

The Background and Story of the NIH

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the biggest agencies in the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Composed of 27 institutes and centers, the NIH’s focus is centered around research and learning more about fundamental knowledge in all realms of science. Quite similar to the NIH, their objective is to seek and apply knowledge to enhance human health, prevent and treat diseases, and improve general healthcare with advanced technologies.

The Summer Internship Program

The NIH summer internship program for high schoolers is an opportunity given to few, allowing students to work directly next to professional researchers and scientists. Students will partake in various activities, whether it is seminars or research about a specific disease under the oversight of a researcher. Interns will be exposed to the scientific community - giving them a headstart on getting a career or just getting experience in an actual job.

Not only will interns gain experience, but they will also be able to challenge and develop their minds to a new level of maturity. Interning under a professional researcher is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of skills to work efficiently and achieve results. Through the NIH Summer Internship High School Program, students will be able to develop their logical and communication skills.

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The benefits of the NIH Summer Internship High School Program

There are multiple benefits to becoming an intern, ranging from the ability to do hands-on research with actual scientists, to the unique diversity and inclusion in the program, or even the networking opportunities. 

Professional Hands-on Research

Hands-on research is one of the key defining things within the NIH internship program for high schoolers, as this is what most science majors crave to do. Interns will get to work on real-world scientific investigations and contribute to the ongoing research at the NIH facility. Interns will get access to unique equipment and resources while working at the NIH facility. Not only will this equip students with essential skills for the future, but it will also help develop and nourish their innovative and creative skills.


Throughout the entire experience, all NIH interns will be paired up with experienced mentors to help guide them. This aspect of the internship is another defining characteristic as students will now more than ever, get to see what life truly is like as a professional researcher. Students will gain important knowledge from their mentors, and may even pick up a few tips here and there on how to be successful in the industry. 

While some may see this as an intimidating factor, this is anything but that. Through the NIH internship, your mentor is there to help and nourish your internship experience. While mentors are responsible for ensuring their intern’s progress and achievements, they are also role models who are there to encourage students throughout this program. Arguably being the most impactful part of the experience, having the opportunity to work directly with a professional is an opportunity most do not have the chance to receive.

Educational Seminars

Along with participating in hands-on research, students will be able to participate in a series of workshops and seminars to help understand complex topics. The topics covered in these seminars/workshops greatly vary from the latest viral technology to how ethics plays a role in research. While all students will not have the same prospective career or major, learning about science as a whole is beneficial to anyone interested in the STEM field. Understanding science as a whole and not just a specific field is an essential skill - that  NIH develops. These educational seminars are a great way for interns to get involved and exposed to the scientific community, and how they could eventually play a part in impacting our society.

Diversity and Inclusion

The NIH encourages everyone from all backgrounds to apply, so interns should expect to be exposed to a variety of cultures through this internship. Not only will interns be able to work on their scientific knowledge, but they will also be able to work on key communication skills for the future. In the realm of science and especially computer science, people will communication skills are greatly valued which is something that is focused on throughout the internship. To be an effective member of a team, people have to have good skills at talking to each other - and this internship provides the perfect opportunity to practice and build those skills.

Resume Building

Becoming an NIH intern is not an easy feat - which is exactly why it will look perfect for a science major college application. Interns will be able to showcase how they took initiative outside of the classroom to focus on their passion while gaining crucial experience for the future. This internship not only proves how dedicated a student is to their passion, but it also shows their eagerness to learn - which is something all colleges are looking for. Even outside of college, this still looks great on any resume.

Networking Opportunities

Throughout the internship, interns would get the chance to connect with professional researchers in the field, opening future doors to possible jobs and other internships outside of this one. The NIH internship program is a great way for high school students to get their feet wet in the scientific community. Having connections with others is important - because nobody ever knows what their future may hold, and for some, this can just be the beginning. This internship is the key to a door that unlocks a realm of different possibilities, all yielding a chance for students to make an impact on humanity with science. 

The Application Process

As previously stated, getting a position in this prestigious program is not an easy feat. The application process is pretty lengthy to ensure that only the best and most qualified applicants get granted membership.

Requirements for Consideration

The requirements to become an intern are as follows:

  • A list of all coursework and exams taken in high school.

  • CV/Resume - a list of educational experience, and other relevant history.

    • Relevant history is any past experiences that will contribute towards your skill within the internship.

  • References - the names and contact information of two references that can support the information about you that you self-reported. This could be letters of recommendation from teachers, which is the most common form of reference.

  • Letter/Statement - a cover letter that describes your prior research experiences, your current interest/career goals, and why you want to be an NIH intern.


Once you have all of your requirements met, prospective interns will apply through the NIH application link. As the application process is highly competitive, prospective interns are highly encouraged to re-read and ensure that all application materials are of the utmost high quality they can be.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Aiden Hunter, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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