Science Fair Ideas for 7th Grade: Tips to Help You Organize & Prepare For A Successful Science Fair

Participating in a science fair at school is an incredible opportunity for 7th grade students. By participating in a science fair, 7th graders will get to explore topics that interest them and come up with ideas to solve real-world problems.

science fair ideas for 7th grade

Planning for your own science fair project also helps build your confidence by presenting your research to judges and peers, improving your communication skills in the process. It’s a fun and rewarding experience that can help you learn and grow in many ways!

Though, have you ever had trouble coming up with ideas on what to present or base your project on? Well, in this blog, we’ll talk about several important things to keep in mind when brainstorming for science fair ideas for 7th grade.

Things to Note When Brainstorming

Choose a topic that interests you

When you pick a topic that you're passionate about, you're more likely to enjoy doing the research and experimenting with it. It's also easier to stay motivated and focused when you're working on something that you care about. Also, when you're presenting your project, your enthusiasm for the topic will make your presentation more interesting and engaging for your audience. So, it's always a good idea to choose a topic that you're excited about for your science fair project!

Research your topic thoroughly

Before starting your project, it's important to do thorough research on your topic. This will help you gain a better understanding of the concepts involved and give you a solid foundation for your project. Use reliable sources, such as scientific journals, textbooks, and reputable websites. Also, this will keep you prepared for any questions judges, students, and teachers ask about your chosen topic!

Collect and analyze your data

Collecting and analyzing your data is an important part of the scientific process. Make sure to record your data accurately and organize it in a clear and logical way. Use appropriate statistical methods to analyze your data and draw conclusions based on your findings.

Create a visually appealing display

Creating a visually appealing display is important for attracting the attention of judges and viewers. Use a tri-fold board to display your findings and make sure to include clear and concise titles, labels, and captions. Use images, graphs, and charts to illustrate your data and make your display more engaging. 

Practice your presentation!

Be prepared to present your project many times throughout the fair. Various groups of people can come up to you and ask you to explain your research on the topic you chose. Make sure to practice your presentation beforehand to ensure that you're able to effectively communicate your findings to judges and viewers. Use clear and concise language and be prepared to answer questions about your project. Practice speaking confidently and clearly, and make sure to maintain eye contact with your audience.

Some Topic Ideas for 7th Grade Science Fairs

Science fairs are a great way for students to explore their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Science fairs provide 7th grade students with the opportunity to conduct experiments, create projects, and present their findings to a wider audience.

science fair ideas for 7th grade


The majority of the time, a generous portion of your middle school science class is dedicated to learning about the Solar System. Take the information you already learned and research topics in-depth for things you don’t know or want to know better. For example:


You could research each planet in the solar system and compare and contrast their characteristics, such as size, distance from the sun, and composition. You could also investigate the moons that orbit each planet and how they interact with their host planet.

The Sun

You could research the sun and its importance in the solar system. Maybe investigate how the sun produces energy and the various phenomena that occur on its surface, such as sunspots and solar flares.

Space Exploration

You could research the history of space exploration and the various missions that have been sent to study the solar system. Research the technologies used to explore space and the challenges that astronauts face during spaceflight.

Asteroids & Comets

You could research the smaller objects in the solar system, such as asteroids and comets. Collect data on their orbits, composition, and the impact they have on the solar system and Earth.

Life in the Solar System

You could research the possibility of life on other planets or moons in the solar system. You could investigate the conditions necessary for life and the current efforts to search for extraterrestrial life.

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You may have learned of a very important scientist named Isaac Newton. You can try creating a presentation centered around him or some of his famous works!

Example Research on Issac Newton

Isaac Newton was a very important scientist who discovered some important things about how objects move and why things fall down. He came up with the laws of motion, which describe how things move when there's a force acting on them, and he also figured out how gravity works, which is the force that makes things fall down to the ground. His ideas helped us understand how the world works, and we still use his ideas today.


Try creating your own experiment at home that shows the force of gravity acting upon an object. Gather relevant materials to complete your experiment. Organize background info, such as the definition of Gravity, devise procedures, draw a design of your experiment, and lastly create an observation on what happened in your experiment!

  • Example experiment: Egg Drop

  • Example experiment: Pendulum Swing


There is a famous and well-known magic trick where the magician holds onto a tablecloth with plates and dishes on top and successfully removes the tablecloth without disturbing the dishes. Did you know the science behind this phenomenon is because of Inertia? Inertia is a part of our everyday lives, can you think of times where inertia plays a role? Such as a car seat belt! Try researching methods of how inertia is involved in everyday applications and create a presentation on this topic!


Biology is also a major concept in science. It includes the study of living things like plants, animals, and bacteria, as well as the processes that keep them alive, like nutrition, respiration, and reproduction. 

Biology helps us understand how living things function and how they interact with each other and their surroundings. It is a broad field that encompasses many different subfields, such as genetics, ecology, and microbiology.

There are so many fields you can explore within biology so you don’t have to settle with just one! Create your own experiment such as controlling the environment that plants thrive in and collecting data on the growth! 

Or we can take our research into more hypothetical topics, ones that are often more unique:

  • How does friction work? Are there different types of friction? We know there is friction on physical surfaces so does friction exist in water?

  • Which materials are good conductors of heat? This project could involve testing different materials, such as metals and plastics, to see which ones transfer heat the best.

  • What types of materials make the best insulators? This project could involve testing different materials, such as wool and styrofoam, to see which ones keep objects warmest for the longest period of time.

  • How does the amount of sugar in a drink affect its sweetness? This project could involve testing the sweetness of different drinks with varying amounts of sugar and measuring the participants' responses.

  • How does exercise affect heart rate? This project could involve measuring participants' heart rates before and after exercise and analyzing the results.

Main Takeaways

  • Science is an incredibly broad field so if you have an interest in a particular study or section, definitely research more into them so you can prepare for an awesome science fair project!

  • Organize your research and lay out a plan on how to design your project. Whether it be a home experiment, research, a presentation, etc, be prepared to answer further in-depth questions from peers and judges. Don’t forget to practice!

  • By following these tips, you can plan and prepare for a successful middle school science fair project. Remember to have fun and enjoy the process of exploring and learning about your chosen topic. Good luck!

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Ellen J., Inspirit AI Ambassador


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