Science Fair Project Ideas for 7th Grade

Learning about vast topics of science as a 7th grade young teen allows for the development of invaluable skills — the ability to ask scientific questions, collect data, and solve problems by applying learned knowledge. As young teens will naturally learn various branches of science in their academics, it is important to foster curiosity of science early on. One way this can be done is through conducting science fair projects!

In this blog post, we are sharing five science fair project ideas for 7th grade students to build off of, and spark their curiosity in the sciences! Each science fair project idea included is geared respectively towards biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and environmental science.

Science Fair Project Ideas for 7th Grade

Science Fair Project Ideas for 7th Grade

Science Fair Project Idea #1 in Biology

As biology relates to the science of life and living organisms, it would only be right to learn about this area first! 

Plants are often utilized as the preferred model in experiments related to biology as it allows the experimenter to understand the basics of physiology, understanding how plants grow or adapt. So, it would be very advisable for students to also start with using plants in their biology experiments!

As environmental problems have become ever-occurring in our world today, 7th grade students who have a strong interest in developing solutions to these concerns could learn aspects of biology through the process! 

Scientific Question: “Can Plants Stop Soil Erosion From Happening?” 

  • Students will model real-life “hillsides” using trays filled with dirt.

  • Students will plant seeds in some of the trays, and leave the leftover trays without any. 

  • Once the trays with the seeds have grown into plants, students will then simulate “rain” by using a watering can to pour atop the tray.

  • The soil left by the rain represents the “eroded soil”, which students may then measure its mass and compare results with other test trays to gather/formulate their results.

Science Fair Project Idea #2 in Chemistry

Chemistry is the science that deals with the make-up of all things and their behavior, but what does this mean? Looking at things through a chemistry lens allows us to see the changes that things undergo and relate them to the natural laws that describe these changes!

Scientific studies revolving around chemistry can be deeply enjoyable, as we get to visibly see exciting chemical changes happen! The best way to start off learning about chemistry is doing just this.

Scientific Question: “What Amount of Baking Soda in Vinegar Creates the Highest ‘Rocket Launch’?”

  • In this experiment, students will experiment with different amounts of baking soda added to vinegar solutions to figure out what creates the highest burst of the mixed solution.

  • This “burst” can be compared to a rocket launch in space and results of the experiment will be based upon the height of the launch.

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Science Fair Project Idea #3 in Physics

Physics is a natural science that deals with the dynamics of matter, motion, and energy. 

Physicists often create models in their scientific investigations to visualize a concept that is difficult to understand. So, many physics studies include the building of models to conduct research. In this following experiment we will do just that!

Scientific Question: “Can a Balloon-Powered Car be Pushed Forward by Air from the Balloon?”

  • Students will build a model car using cardboard (body), CDs or plastic bottle caps (wheels), and wooden skewers (axles) for each respective part of a car.

  • Students will also inflate a balloon which will be attached to the car to propel it forward.

  • The velocity of each test (varied upon student’s ideas) will be measured.

Science Fair Project Idea #4 in Astronomy

Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere, and it is quite important to learn about. 

Through conducting experiments surrounding astronomy, we can learn not only about the distant phenomenons of the universe but also understand how physics works under conditions which are impossible to recreate on Earth. The universe itself is our laboratory!

Scientific Question: “How Does Light Intensity Alter with Distance?”

  • In this experiment, students will investigate how the brightness of a star changes with distance, by creating a model of a starlight (light bulb) and utilizing a digital sensor app to decipher the relationship between brightness and distance.

  • Students will increase/decrease the distance of the sensor from the light bulb (stars) and document the average light intensity measured to receive results.

Science Fair Project Idea #5 in Environmental Science

Environmental science is considered an interdisciplinary field of study that integrates aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, geology and more in efforts of addressing problems degrading the environment and implementing science-based solutions. For instance, in the Science Fair Idea Topic #1 In Biology, the utilization of living things to predict its benefit in combating environmental soil erosion indicates this integration.

To explore how soil content could have damaging impacts on the water we drink, we will conduct this environmental science-centered investigation!

Scientific Question: “How do the Contents of Soil Affect the pH of Water?”

  • Students will gather different types of soil and how the soil's contact with water may increase (more basic) or decrease (more acidic) the pH of water.

  • Results will be gathered by measuring and recording the pH of the water after its contact with the soil. The difference between the tested water and control water (can be tap water) can indicate the change in pH after contact with the particular soil.

Takeaway from Science Fair Project Ideas

Learning about the branches of science through biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and environmental science gives 7th graders as young teens the opportunity to expand their borders. 

Entering science fairs will allow them to narrow down on a particular topic from a branch of science to investigate. The five science fair project ideas listed serve as a template for broadening the investigation, allowing for 7th graders to put their own spin on it.

If you are a parent, teacher, or peer we encourage you to encourage young teens like 7th graders to start learning about the sciences now!

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Kartika P., Inspirit AI Ambassador


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