Ignite Your Engineering Potential: Summer Programs for High School Students

Summer is a great time to work on honing your academic and creative knowledge and have time to find your passion. Learning about engineering as a high school student can come with so many benefits — from building a variety of skills that extend beyond technical computer knowledge to practicing asking questions to even helping with decision making. 

In this blog post, we are sharing different ways that high school students can benefit from learning about engineering. We will also discuss more about the realm of engineering, how you can apply to engineering summer programs, as well as examples of engineering summer programs.

What are Summer Engineering Programs for High School Students? 

Summer engineering programs for high school students are interactive educational experiences designed to introduce young individuals to the exciting world of engineering during the summer break. These programs typically span a few weeks and provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, workshops, lectures, and projects related to various engineering disciplines. The aim is to inspire, engage, and educate students about the fundamentals of engineering and its real-world applications. 

During summer engineering programs, high school students have the opportunity to delve into subjects like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, biomedical engineering and others. They engage in practical activities that simulate real-world engineering challenges, such as designing structures, building robots, programming software or developing innovative solutions. Through these experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of engineering concepts and develop critical skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication and analytical thinking. 

While the goal of a summer engineering program is most definitely to inspire and engage students, it is worth mentioning that it can also help high schoolers stand out on their college applications. Many highly qualified candidates applying to top universities have similar profiles: high GPAs and test scores, leadership and volunteer roles, stellar recommendation letters and numerous extracurriculars. Participating in a summer engineering program can help set a student apart, by giving admissions officers insight into their engineering interests, curiosity, and drive. 

Benefits of Summer Engineering Programs for High School Students 

Now that we have covered what summer engineering programs are, there are a number of benefits to participating in a summer engineering program as a high schooler — some of which we are sharing below. 


Above all, summer engineering programs give high school students an opportunity to exhibit their scientific topics of interest. Many ambitious high schoolers spend their time focusing on academics and test scores, but summer engineering programs allow these students to also 

find time to learn about the various engineering principles, apply their knowledge to real-world problems and develop skills that are valuable for future careers in STEM fields.


Many summer programs offer exposure to various engineering disciplines, such as civil, mechanical, electrical or biomedical engineering. Students can explore different fields and gain insight into the areas that align with their interests and strengths, helping them make more informed decisions about their future career paths. This exposure to various engineering disciplines in summer programs allows students to delve into the intricacies and nuances of different fields. 


As we shared earlier in this post, science fair projects can help students stand out in their college applications. Participating in Engineering Summer Programs offers high school students a valuable opportunity to enhance their college applications and stand out among their peers. These programs provide hands-on experiences, exposing students to various engineering disciplines and real-world problem-solving. By engaging in challenging projects and collaborating with like-minded individuals, students can demonstrate their passion for engineering and their ability to thrive in an academic and team-oriented environment. Moreover, these programs often have partnerships with renowned universities or industry leaders, which can lend credibility to the student's application and showcase their potential for success in higher education and future engineering endeavors. 

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Examples of Summer Engineering Programs for High School Students 

Now that you have learned more about summer engineering programs and the many benefits for high school students, you can begin to consider what summer engineering program to pursue. What summer engineering program can a high schooler participate in? Let’s take a look at some summer engineering programs for high school students! 

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Beaver Works Summer Institute: An immersive program that focuses on hands-on projects in areas such as robotics, coding and aerospace engineering. 

  2. Stanford University Pre-Collegiate Institutes: Engineering: Offers a comprehensive exploration of engineering disciplines, including workshops, lab activities and project-based learning. 

  3. Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation: Provides high school students with the opportunity to tackle engineering challenges through coursework and lab experiences at Johns Hopkins University.

  4. California State University, STEM Summer Scholars Program: A program that exposes students to various STEM fields, including engineering, through interactive workshops, research projects and mentorship. 

  5. University of Michigan Engineering Summer Camps: Engages students in engineering disciplines like aerospace, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering through hands-on activities and project-based learning. 

  6. Georgia Tech Pre-College Summer Engineering Program: Offers an intensive engineering experience with a focus on areas like robotics, computer science, and mechanical engineering including lab work and design projects. 

  7. Columbia University Summer Programs for High School Students: Engineering: Allows students to explore engineering concepts through coursework, site visits and collaborative projects with Columbia faculty and industry professionals. 

  8. Cornell University Curie Academy: A program specifically designed to empower young individuals pursuing engineering, providing exposure to various disciplines. 

  9. University of Texas at Austin Engineering Summer Academy: Offers a range of engineering experiences, including lectures, lab work, and hands-on projects, to introduce students to the engineering process and different specializations.

  10. University of California, Berkeley Pre-College Scholars: Engineering: Provides an immersive experience in engineering through courses, workshops, and field trips, allowing students to explore different branches of the discipline. 

  11. Virginia Tech Pathways: Summer Engineering Academy: A program that introduces students to engineering fundamentals through hands-on projects, site visits and interaction with faculty and industry professionals. 

  12. Carnegie Mellon University Summer Pre-College Programs: Engineering: Offers a variety of engineering-focused courses, labs, and projects, allowing students to explore fields like robotics, computer science and biomedical engineering. 

  13. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Illinois Tech Summer Engineering Camps: Provides hands-on experiences and workshops in engineering fields such as aerospace, civil, and environmental engineering, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

  14. Northwestern University College Prep Program: Engineering: Immerses students in engineering through coursework, lab experiments and engineering design projects, emphasizing innovation and creativity. 

  15. Duke University Summer College for High School Students: Engineering: Engages students in engineering coursework, research projects, and hands-on activities, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and critical thinking. 

  16. Texas A&M University Explore Engineering Camp: A program that aims to inspire young individuals who want to learn about engineering by offering interactive workshops, site visits and mentorship opportunities. 

  17. University of Pennsylvania Engineering Summer Academy: Introduces students to various engineering disciplines through coursework, laboratory experiments and design challenges, promoting analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

  18. Purdue University Engineering Summer Camp: Fosters the exploration of engineering disciplines through hands-on projects, mentoring and exposure to diverse career paths within engineering. 

  19. University of California, San Diego COSMOS: Engineering: A four-week program that immerses students in engineering research projects, lectures, and workshops, focusing on emerging technologies and interdisciplinary approaches.

  20. Rice University Tapia Scholars Program: Engineering and Computer Science: A program that combines engineering and computer science education, offering students research opportunities, mentorship and exposure to cutting-edge technologies. 

You can apply to these programs and excel in your application by researching more about a program that speaks to you, gathering required documents, preparing a personal statement, completing an application form, securing recommendation letters and submitting required materials. 


In closing, we have shared a number of different summer engineering programs that you can apply to, but at the end of the day, a summer engineering program is about exploring what makes YOU excited. These programs provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, exposure to various engineering disciplines and a chance to work on real-world projects. By actively participating in these programs, students can showcase their passion for engineering, demonstrate their problem-solving skills and highlight their ability to collaborate effectively. 

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Josh Roy, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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