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College and Career Prep Inspirit AI College and Career Prep Inspirit AI

AP Computer Science Principles: Why AP Computer Science Principles is Worth Taking in High School

In this vastly evolving world we live in, a place of tech, innovation, and vision, creative thinking is in demand more than ever. As high schoolers, we are in our prime time to get our creative juices flowing, either through conducive extracurriculars, clubs, or school courses–like AP Computer Science Principles.

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High School Test Prep Inspirit AI High School Test Prep Inspirit AI

AP Computer Science Principles: A Comprehensive Guide to Computational Thinking, Algorithms, Programming, and Ethical Collaboration

To equip students with essential skills and knowledge, the College Board introduced the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of AP Computer Science Principles and delve into its three key sections: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming, and the Impact of Computing.

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