Teen Ink: How High Schoolers Can Get Started With Submitting to Writing Publications

Are you a high schooler with a passion for writing or art, seeking a platform to showcase your creative talents to the world? Look no further than Teen Ink Magazine—a vibrant publication that celebrates the voices and artistic expressions of young individuals just like you. In this blog post, we will discuss how high schoolers can get started submitting work to Teen Ink!

teen ink

What is Teen Ink?

Teen Ink is a print and online magazine that features creative writing, poetry, artwork, and photography submitted by teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19. Founded in 1989, it has since become one of the largest publications in the world, dedicated to showcasing the creative work of young people. Teen Ink's mission is to provide a platform for teenagers to express themselves and share their unique perspectives on the world.

Teen Ink has a team of teenage editors who select the submissions to be featured, giving young writers and artists the opportunity to have their work evaluated and recognized by their peers. Teen Ink also offers writing contests, publishing opportunities, and resources for young writers who want to improve their skills and pursue a career in writing.

What are the benefits of submitting to Teen Ink?

Whether you are an aspiring writer and/or artist, or you are simply looking for a creative outlet to express yourself, there are many benefits of submitting to Teen Ink that include:

  1. Exposure: Teen Ink is a widely recognized and respected publication that reaches a broad audience of readers and publishers. Having your work featured in Teen Ink can give you exposure and recognition as a young writer or artist, which can be a valuable asset as you pursue your creative interests and career goals.

  2. Boosting College Applications: Writing for Teen Ink can boost college applications by demonstrating creativity, highlighting accomplishments, developing writing skills, demonstrating initiative, and building a portfolio that showcases your abilities as a writer or artist. It shows that you have a passion for creativity, are willing to take on challenges, and have the ability to express yourself clearly and effectively. Colleges value these qualities and look for students who demonstrate them in their application materials.

  3. Professional Development: Teen Ink offers writing contests, publishing opportunities, and resources for young writers who want to improve their skills and pursue a career in writing. Submitting your work to Teen Ink can be a valuable step in your professional development as a writer or artist.

  4. Feedback and Evaluation: Teen Ink has a team of teenage editors who evaluate and select the submissions to be featured in the magazine. Submitting your work to Teen Ink gives you the opportunity to receive constructive feedback and evaluation from your peers, which can help you improve your writing or artistic skills.

  5. Creative Expression: Teen Ink provides a platform for teenagers to express themselves creatively and share their unique perspectives on the world. Submitting to Teen Ink can be a meaningful way to connect with a community of like-minded peers and share your creative vision with others.

  6. Confidence: Submitting to Teen Ink can be a confidence-building experience for young writers and artists. Seeing your work published in a respected publication can be a validation of your skills and talents and can inspire you to continue pursuing your creative passions.

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Different Genres that Students Can Use for Writing


Submitting fiction to Teen Ink can be a great way for young writers to showcase their creativity and build their writing skills. With a wide range of genres accepted, including short stories, flash fiction, novellas, and novels, Teen Ink offers a supportive platform for aspiring writers to share their fictional works with a broad audience of readers and publishers. Fiction submissions to Teen Ink can also provide an opportunity for writers to receive constructive feedback and gain exposure, helping them to improve their craft and potentially even launch their writing careers.


Submitting poetry to Teen Ink can be an excellent way for young poets to showcase their unique voice and gain exposure for their work. With all styles of poetry accepted, including free verse, sonnets, haikus, and spoken word poetry, Teen Ink provides a supportive platform for aspiring poets to share their work with a broad audience of readers and publishers. 


Submitting nonfiction to Teen Ink can be a valuable opportunity for young writers to share their personal stories, opinions, and insights with a broad audience of readers. Several types of articles are accepted, including personal essays, memoirs, interviews, and feature articles, Teen Ink provides a supportive platform for aspiring writers to develop their skills in research and analysis. Submitting nonfiction articles to Teen Ink can also open up opportunities to work with experts about the subject in the future.


Submitting reviews to Teen Ink can be a great way for young writers to develop their critical thinking skills and share their opinions with a broad audience of readers. Possible review submissions include book reviews, movie reviews, and music reviews, Teen Ink offers a supportive platform for aspiring reviewers to express their unique perspectives and engage with the world around them. Review submissions to Teen Ink can also provide an opportunity for writers to potentially catch the attention of publishers or producers in their respective industries  by sharing their unique perspective.


Submitting artwork to Teen Ink can be an excellent way for young artists to showcase their creativity and gain exposure for their work. With all mediums accepted, including drawings, paintings, and digital art, Teen Ink provides a supportive platform for aspiring artists to express their unique ideas and engage with a broad audience of art enthusiasts. Artwork submissions to Teen Ink can also provide an opportunity for artists to receive feedback and potentially even catch the attention of galleries or art dealers. 


Submitting photography to Teen Ink can be a great way for young photographers to showcase their creative eye. With a range of categories accepted, including portraits, landscapes, abstracts, and documentary photography, Teen Ink offers a supportive platform for aspiring photographers to express themselves and share their unique perspectives with a broad audience of readers and publishers. Photography submissions to Teen Ink can also provide an opportunity for photographers to potentially even catch the attention of galleries, photography contests, or magazines. Having their work published in Teen Ink can also be a valuable addition to a young photographer's portfolio or resume.

Making Submissions to Teen Ink

In this blog, we have shared a multitude of reasons why teens who are interested in writing and art can greatly benefit from submitting to Teen Ink, as well as a wide variety of genres that students can pick from when creating their submission for Teen Ink. Submitting to Teen Ink can be an excellent opportunity for young creatives to showcase their skills, gain exposure, and receive valuable feedback on their work. With a wide range of genres accepted (That are not limited to this list!), Teen Ink provides a supportive platform for young artists and writers to express themselves and engage with a broad audience of readers and publishers.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Nidhi Prasad, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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