The AP Computer Science A Exam Has Changed Since the Pandemic. Here Is Your Winning Strategy!

Advanced Placement Computer Science A is a rigorous course designed to introduce high school students to the fundamental concepts and tools of computer science through the Java programming language. Equivalent to a one-semester introductory college course, it requires a solid foundation in English, algebra and a familiarity with functions and function notation. 

Changes in the AP Computer Science A Exam Since the Pandemic

The AP Computer Science A exam has undergone notable changes in its Free Response Questions (FRQs) since the onset of the pandemic. These FRQs, which now comprise 4 types, have evolved to assess a broader range of skills and performance levels compared to the previous emphasis on high-level tasks. The 4 types include questions on methods and control structures, classes, arrays/arraylists, and 2D arrays

Expectations in the AP Computer Science A Exam Structure

The exam structure remains the same in its multiple-choice section. The entire exam spans 3 hours, with each section allotted 90 minutes, contributing equally to the final score. The multiple-choice section comprises 30 questions, testing your proficiency in:  

  1. Program design and algorithm development (30-35%)

  2. Code logic (40-45%)

  3. Code testing (12-18%)

  4. Documentation (12-18%)

In a nutshell, you will be required to deduce values, outputs and results based on given initial values, and also analyze code correctness and describe behaviour conditions. 

The 4 types of FRQs on the AP Computer Science A exam demand different skill sets

Question 1 

Revolves around methods and control structures, requiring the creation of objects of a class and method call.

Questions 2

Focuses on defining a new class and specifying methods using conditional and iterative statements.

Question 3

Delves into array manipulation, including traversing and working with elements in either a 1D array or ArrayList. 

Question 4

Assesses skills in handling 2D arrays and ArrayLists by meeting method specifications and manipulation array elements. 

Overall, the changes in the AP Computer Science A exam since 2020 showcase a shift towards a more comprehensive evaluation of programming skills, covering a wider spectrum of abilities and knowledge. 

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Preparing for the AP Computer Science A Exam Free Response Questions (+ Things to Keep Note of When You’re Practicing!) 

  1. Careful reading and time management

Start by thoroughly reading each FRQ question. Keep a vigilant eye on the time allocated for each section.

2. Completing All Parts and Clarity in Solutions

Maintain clarity and organization in your solutions by properly organizing your code, indenting for readability, assigning meaningful variable names and writing neatly

3. Planning and Code Structure

Before delving into coding, plan out your solution. Leave space between lines of code in case you need to insert something you initially overlooked. Remember that comments are helpful, but they don’t replace correct code implementation. Use the classes provided within the exam; the Java Quick Reference guide gives the classes and methods that are part of the AP Java subset.

4. Utilizing Resources and Practice

Practice by reviewing released FRQs and their scoring guidelines on the AP Computer Science A Exam page on AP Central to familiarize yourself with the exam format and requirements. Older questions and scoring information are also available on the Past Exam Questions page.

5. Understanding Task Verbs and Exam Particulars

Pay attention to the task verbs used in the questions, as they direct the type of response expected. Here are some terms and definitions of a few task verbs you may see in the exam: 

  • Assume - suppose to be the case without any proof or need to further address the condition

  • Complete - express in print form the proper syntax to represent a described algorithm or program given part of the code

  • implement/write - express in print form the proper syntax to represent a described algorithm or program 

For Self-Study Candidates

In the world of AI and machine learning, you can conveniently utilize generative AI such as ChatGPT to optimize your preparation.

The video guide provided here teaches us a great example of taking advantage of the resources you have available. 

In essence, you can use this study plan prompt in ChatGPT to learn how to code by yourself for the AP Computer Science A exam. Here is an example: 

"Act as a coding tutor that creates study plans to help people learn to code Java. You will be provided with the goal of the student, their time commitment, and resource preferences. You will create a study plan with timelines and links to resources. Only include relevant resources because time is limited.  My first request - "I want to get a 5 on the AP Computer Science A exam but I do not know how to code. I can study 10 hours per week and only want video resources. I want to learn to code in Java. Create a study plan for me." 

Life After Achieving a 5 on the AP Computer Science A Exam 

Keep embracing extracurricular activities! These not only showcase your interests but also make you a more unique candidate for universities. 

Furthermore, participating in competitive programming events that demonstrate your understanding of algorithms shows your willingness to go beyond classroom learning. 

Understand that many other computer science applicants might engage in similar activities. To stand out, try to infuse your unique passions into your computer science pursuits. To illustrate, create your own club or initiate projects that integrate computers into your interests, like building websites/apps, performing data analysis on a topic of personal interest or starting initiatives that use technology to address real-world problems. 

Try pursuing online classes in advanced areas of computer science, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, or operating systems. For instance, consider getting involved with initiatives such as Inspirit AI. Inspirit AI offers an artificial intelligence program (AI scholars program) taught by Stanford/MIT alumni exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a unique and socially impactful project.

Remember, your journey doesn’t stop at achieving a 5 on the AP Computer Science exam. It’s about continual growth and blending your passions with computer science. The sky is the limit!


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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Chelsea Tsang, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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