Revealing your Mathematical Potential: The Math Kangaroo

Are you an avid fan of the subject math? If so, you should consider participating in The Math Kangaroo. This is an international competition that takes place in 90 different countries and promotes mathematical thinking and problem-solving for students. This challenging competition allows students to implement problem-solving techniques alongside mathematical knowledge.

Where do I sign up for The Math Kangaroo competition? Is it really tough to complete the questions? In this blog post, you will learn what The Math Kangaroo competition is, how tough it is, what the benefits are, and much more. Let's take a look!

What exactly is The Math Kangaroo?

The Math Kangaroo competition is an international math competition that challenges the minds of students who participate. The competition allows students to use their creative, problem-solving, and mathematical skills to answer a series of multiple choice questions that vary depending on the age and grade of the student. The Math Kangaroo is known for encouraging students to apply the mathematical concepts they know into real-world situations. 

The multiple choice questions in the competition are designed to be quite challenging. The questions themselves are tailored to each grade level and the participants have 75 minutes to complete all of the questions. 

This competition has gained tremendous popularity over the years and provides an interesting and engaging way for students to embrace their interest and understanding in math. The competitive aspect of the competition allows students to compete with each other and develop a stronger love and appreciation for math. 

Math Kangaroo Competition Start Time and Registration

The Math Kangaroo competition normally takes place on the third Thursday of March every year. Scheduling for when the challenge takes place may vary for each country or region. To find any updates on when the competition takes place, make sure to check the official Math Kangaroo website or contact one of the local organizers to confirm the precise date and time of the competition at your location. To find information on the website, visit

Applications for the competition are available both in-person and online. Exam registration includes both regular and late registration options. Regular registration for the Math Kangaroo opens in the middle of September and closes at the end of September. The late registration opens at the same time as the regular registration and closes at the end of December. 

Math Kangaroo Eligibility and Test Format

The Math Kangaroo competition is available for students in grades 1 through 12. As stated earlier, the questions on the multiple choice section are tailored to be appropriate for the mathematical skills and knowledge expected of each grade level. All grade levels get the same 75 minutes to complete the multiple choice questions. 

For students in grades 1 through 4, there are 24 multiple choice questions. Students in these grade levels can expect questions that focus mainly on number patterns, shapes, logical reasoning, and basic arithmetic. 

30 multiple choice questions are given to grades 5 through 12. Questions present in this grade level may consist of topics like algebra, measurement, probability, problem-solving strategies, and geometry. 

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Preparing for the Math Kangaroo Competition

There are various ways to prepare for the Math Kangaroo competition. The competition consists of mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills, here are some tips to assist with your preparation:


    One way to get comfortable with the competition questions is to solve questions from the previous Math Kangaroo competitions. This will help you familiarize yourself with the structure, difficulty, and style of the questions. You will feel much more prepared for the multiple choice section if you do old questions.


    You should be aware of the test format before you participate in the competition. You should know the rules and format of the Math Kangaroo. There are various other things you must know like time regulations, the scoring system, and number of questions, and the type of questions. This helps you when strategizing for the test.


    Walking into the competition without reviewing any of the important math concepts will make taking the test tougher, possibly leading to a lower score. Review the mathematical concepts significant to your grade level and make sure you have a thorough understanding of each concept. When working on practice questions, mark the questions you got wrong, analyze why you got the question wrong, how you can fix it, and look at the topic related to the question. Make sure to review the topic so you can re-strengthen your understanding of it and ensure that you won’t make the same mistakes again. 


    Since you only have 75 minutes to complete the multiple choice questions, it is important to pace yourself carefully. Time management skills will ensure that you can complete all of the questions on the test with enough time. While practicing, get accustomed to practicing questions effectively without spending too much time on one single question. On some of the old practice tests, try timing yourself for 75 minutes to see whether you can complete the questions with enough time left to go back and check the questions. 


    There can be a lot of pressure being put on you when competing in the Math Kangaroo competition. Competing with others to get a high rank on a test can make students nervous. On competition day, try to remain as calm and confident as possible. If you prepared for the competition, trust yourself that you are well prepared for the test. The most effective way of doing well is by staying calm, reading questions carefully, and double-checking your answers. 


    Working on your problem-solving skills is very important for the Math Kangaroo competition. In your free time, try practicing some math puzzles, logic problems, and brain teasers. This will surely improve your ability to think critically, approach unfamiliar problems, and apply mathematical concepts.

Competition Scoring

For the Math Kangaroo competition, your results are based on the number of points earned from the correct answers. Each of the correct answers is awarded a certain number of points which vary from question to question due to the difficulty. Easier questions tend to earn fewer points while the more difficult questions earn the student a higher amount of points. There are no points taken away for incorrect answers. For this reason, it is best to answer every question to the best of your ability even if you are unsure of how to answer it. 

Partial credit can be earned for partially correct answers or for showing partial work on the questions. These points are given to encourage students to demonstrate their problem-solving skills and understanding of math concepts even if they don’t completely arrive at the correct answer. 

The total score of the test is determined by summing up the points earned from the correct answers and the partial credit. The scores obtained by the participant are compared to the other participant scores from the same grade level. Top-performing students can be awarded certificates, awards, and prizes. The maximum possible score for grade levels 1 through 4 is 96 points; and 120 points for grades 5 through 12. Keep in mind that the exact scoring of the test may vary for different countries and regions. Specific scoring details for the Math Kangaroo competition are normally provided by the organizers.

Benefits of Participating in Math Kangaroo

The Math Kangaroo competition allows students to challenge their minds to help them solve a variety of problems. Students are asked to apply their mathematical knowledge into real-world scenarios which can be very beneficial. Below are some of the benefits to competing in the Math Kangaroo:

  • Critical Thinking: This competition allows students to think critically when answering the tricky math-based questions. Students are exposed to unique and non-routine problems that require smart analysis. The critical thinking will help students develop alternate strategies solving the problems. 

  • Problem-Solving Skills: Students who compete in the Math Kangaroo are exposed to the challenging questions given on the competition’s test and require clever ways of solving problems effectively in a small amount of time. 

  • Competitiveness: The Math Kangaroo allows students to compete with one another to see who gets more answers correct. The competitive nature can encourage students to strive towards continuous improvement of their mathematical skills and to set various goals to reach. 

  • Awards/Recognition: Those who perform well in the Math Kangaroo competition may receive awards, medals, and other forms of recognition. These valuable prizes can be put on college applications which can improve a resume tremendously. Admissions officers that see these awards will see that you have put in the effort to earn the award and that you have strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

  • Scholarships: Students who reach the top ranks in the competition may be offered scholarships by the Math Kangaroo. These scholarships can assist students with career advancements and further academic success. 

  • Networking: The Math Kangaroo brings all kinds of students, teachers, and math experts into one place. This competition provides students the ability to connect with like-minded individuals who share a common interest in math and can allow you to be a part of the math community. 

Give Math Kangaroo a Shot

The Math Kangaroo competition is full of benefits. If you have a deep interest in math, this competition is the best way for you to embrace this interest and possibly further your success in the field of mathematics. On the journey, you learn all kinds of skills and tricks that will allow you to be even better at math. All the people you meet at the competition will make it a worthwhile trip. As a student, take advantage and try out the Math Kangaroo while you still can!

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AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Krishnateja Reddy, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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