10 UCSD Summer Programs for High School Students

The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is not only renowned for its academic excellence but also for its commitment to fostering the next generation of leaders and innovators. One way UCSD accomplishes this is through its exciting and diverse array of summer programs designed specifically for high school students. These programs offer young minds the opportunity to explore their passions, gain valuable skills, and experience college life. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to 10 UCSD summer programs that could be the perfect fit for your high school student.

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UCSD Summer Programs for High School Students


Academic Connections is UCSD's premier summer program for high school students, offering a unique and enriching academic experience. This program provides an excellent opportunity for motivated young scholars to dive headfirst into college-level coursework, gaining a taste of what higher education is all about. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects, including science, technology, engineering, humanities, and social sciences. With access to UCSD's world-class faculty and resources, participants engage in stimulating discussions, hands-on projects, and collaborative learning experiences. 

Beyond the classroom, Academic Connections fosters a vibrant and diverse community where students can connect with peers who share their intellectual curiosity. This program not only helps students sharpen their academic skills but also encourages personal growth, independence, and a deeper understanding of their chosen fields. By the end of the program, participants often leave with newfound knowledge, lifelong friendships, and the confidence to pursue their academic passions further.


COSMOS is a prestigious summer program designed for high school students with a keen interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Hosted by UCSD, this program offers an immersive experience in cutting-edge scientific research and exploration. Over the course of four weeks, students work closely with UCSD faculty and researchers, gaining invaluable exposure to real-world scientific challenges. They tackle complex problems, conduct experiments, and explore innovative solutions in a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment.

COSMOS is not just about academics; it also provides a well-rounded experience, including extracurricular activities, field trips, and workshops that expose participants to a broader perspective on STEM. By participating in COSMOS at UCSD, high school students have the opportunity to develop a deeper passion for their chosen field, build a strong foundation for their future academic endeavors, and connect with like-minded peers who share their enthusiasm for science and technology. This program is a launching pad for aspiring scientists and engineers, giving them the tools and inspiration to make a difference in the world.


If your high school student is passionate about environmental issues and sustainability, UCSD's Pre-College Institute in Sustainability and the Environment is the perfect summer program. This immersive experience combines classroom learning with exciting field trips to explore Southern California's diverse ecosystems, providing a deep understanding of environmental challenges and solutions. Students engage in hands-on projects, interact with experts, and develop a sense of environmental stewardship.

Through this program, participants not only gain knowledge about pressing environmental concerns but also cultivate a love for nature and a commitment to making a positive impact on our planet. It's a fantastic opportunity for eco-conscious students to connect with others who share their passion and to envision a future where they can contribute to a more sustainable world.


In today's digital age, creativity and technology go hand in hand, and UCSD's Digital Media Academy empowers high school students to harness their creative potential. This program offers a dynamic environment for budding filmmakers, game designers, animators, and tech enthusiasts to explore the world of digital media. Through hands-on workshops and projects, students gain practical skills and insights into digital storytelling, animation, game development, and more.

Participants in the Digital Media Academy not only learn from experienced instructors but also collaborate with peers who share their creative vision. This program encourages experimentation, innovation, and the development of a digital portfolio that can be a valuable asset for future academic and professional pursuits. Whether your high school student dreams of producing their own films or designing the next big video game, the Digital Media Academy at UCSD is a launchpad for their creative journey.


UCSD Extension offers a diverse range of pre-college programs tailored to high school students seeking to explore various fields. These short courses provide an excellent opportunity for students to delve into subjects like business, engineering, healthcare, and more. Whether your child is considering a future career in a specific field or simply wants to broaden their horizons, these programs offer a taste of college-level learning.

UCSD Extension's Pre-College Programs provide a flexible and accessible pathway for students to acquire new skills and knowledge. Participants benefit from the expertise of experienced instructors and the resources of a top-tier university, setting them on a path to academic success and personal growth. These programs not only enrich students academically but also help them develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that will serve them well in any future endeavor.


The Introduction to Engineering program at UCSD is a dream come true for high school students with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. This hands-on program introduces participants to various engineering disciplines, offering a comprehensive overview of the field. Through engaging lectures, group projects, and laboratory work, students gain insight into the creative and technical aspects of engineering.

UCSD's Introduction to Engineering program goes beyond theoretical learning; it challenges students to apply their knowledge to real-world problems. By the end of the program, participants not only have a deeper understanding of engineering but also a heightened sense of curiosity and the confidence to pursue careers in this dynamic field. If your high school student dreams of designing the technology of tomorrow, this program is the perfect stepping stone to a future in engineering.


For high school students with a passion for literature, philosophy, and the arts, UCSD's Humanities Institute Summer Program provides an immersive and intellectually stimulating experience. This program encourages critical thinking and creative expression through the lens of the humanities. Participants engage in lively discussions, explore philosophical concepts, analyze literary works, and create their own artistic projects.

Beyond the classroom, students have the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers who share their love for the humanities. The Humanities Institute Summer Program fosters a vibrant community of thinkers, artists, and writers. It's an exceptional opportunity for high school students to deepen their understanding of the human experience and to gain insights that will enrich their lives and future academic pursuits.


The Biosciences Mentorship Program at UCSD is tailored for high school students who aspire to explore the fascinating world of biological sciences. In this program, participants work closely with UCSD faculty and graduate students on cutting-edge research projects. They gain hands-on experience in laboratory settings, conduct experiments, and contribute to ongoing scientific discoveries.

This program not only provides a glimpse into the exciting world of biosciences but also offers mentorship and guidance from experts in the field. It's a transformative experience for young scientists, allowing them to develop crucial research skills, a deeper understanding of biological concepts, and a strong foundation for future studies and careers in the life sciences.


If your high school student has a passion for innovation, business, and entrepreneurship, UCSD's Entrepreneurship Academy is a fantastic opportunity. This program empowers students to explore the principles of entrepreneurship, develop business acumen, and even work on startup ideas with guidance from experienced mentors.

Through workshops, team projects, and interactions with successful entrepreneurs, participants learn how to turn their innovative ideas into viable business ventures. The Entrepreneurship Academy at UCSD provides the knowledge, resources, and networking opportunities necessary to inspire and nurture the next generation of business leaders and innovators.


Music enthusiasts can hone their talents and immerse themselves in the world of music at the Triton Music Academy, hosted by UCSD. This program offers high school students the chance to receive expert instruction in various musical disciplines, including performance, composition, theory, and music technology.

Beyond individual instruction, students have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers in ensemble performances, allowing them to explore the joy of making music together. Whether your child is an aspiring musician, composer, or music technologist, the Triton Music Academy at UCSD is a nurturing and inspiring environment for them to develop their musical skills and passion.


UCSD's summer programs for high school students offer a diverse range of experiences, from intensive STEM research to creative exploration in the humanities and the arts. These programs not only provide valuable academic knowledge but also foster personal growth, independence, and a sense of community among participants. Whether your high school student is aspiring to be a scientist, engineer, artist, or entrepreneur, UCSD's summer programs can be a transformative stepping stone towards their future goals and passions. Encourage your child to explore these opportunities, and they may discover their true calling right here at UCSD.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.


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