College Computer Science: 10 Tips For Preparation While Still in High School

Written by Kalissa Greene

Now that I am a freshman at Stanford University, I have had a few months to reflect on how a student should prepare for college computer science.

Ten Steps to Prepare for College CS

1. Take AP Computer Science Principles in high school. I recommend taking AP CSP as soon as possible in high school. This class sets your foundation for coding because you learn the coding language, Python.

Python is very important for the first college computer science classes. This class is an excellent introductory course and exposes the student to many facets of CS.

2. Take AP Computer Science A in high school. APCSA focuses on learning the coding language, Java. This class is important to take to get ahead in the entry level CS classes in college.

A high score like a 4 or 5 on the APCSA exam can allow you to start in higher level classes your freshman year of college and counts towards credits for the CS major.

3. Take a typing class. Coding requires a lot of typing!

The more proficient you are in typing – the faster you can code and complete assignments.

4. Take AP math classes. Some CS problems require the knowledge of certain math concepts and equations.

Completion of certain math classes is required to major in CS so a high score on the AP Calc BC exam could count for college credits.

5. Join Inspirit AI! If you are interested in pursuing a career in CS, especially AI (Artificial Intelligence), I encourage you to apply for a winter or summer session of Inspirit AI.

This program provides knowledge and guidance for pursuing a career in AI. The earlier you decide how serious you are about pursuing CS the better.

6. Join Girls Who Code, Women in Technology Girls, or similar organizations. STEM is a male dominated field and this is a great resource for girls to see women who have succeeded in this field.

7. Volunteer for community service projects related to computer science. You can do so many different things with CS, it doesn’t just have to be about robots or inventions.

You can use code to help your community and even combine the field of law and justice with CS.

8. Talk to CS teachers, counselors, and computer scientists about majoring in CS in college. Talking to people who have already done the things you are inspired to do is a great way to get advice and get any questions you have answered.

Additionally, you could get a CS mentor who can regularly meet with you and even help you find CS summer internships.

9. Do CS summer camps and hackathons. During high school, I attended several CS summer camps at local universities. I also competed in a hackathon.

Summer camps and hackathons will help you develop your coding skills and expose you to other students who have a passion for CS.

10. Take college computer science classes in community college during high school. If your school does not offer advanced CS classes after AP Computer Science A, you can take CS classes in community college while you are still in high school. This is called “dual enrollment.”

After following these 10 steps, your transition to college computer science will be much easier!!!


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