How to Get Into AI as a High School Student

Artificial Intelligence has been a part of our daily lives since the 1950s. AI is not limited to Alexa and Siri, as it is now embedded in transportation, finance, healthcare, agriculture, retail, security, and media distribution.

For example: Using artificial intelligence today, we can track the spread of Covid, perfect the vaccine, and predict an illness before it occurs, improving our ability to treat health problems faster.

how to get into ai

The use of artificial intelligence in media and retail has also been able to recommend products, boost production, and detect new trends.

At major companies such as Wal-Mart, AI has been able to optimize product design through sales charts, making their products affordable and guaranteed to be successful.

Additionally, AI has been able to draw information from online sources and write articles for the news in mere hours.

This makes natural disasters and world issues available instantaneously and these abilities grow daily. They achieve this through a complicated system of data retrieval and call back.

Data is imputed into the system and analyzed for its features (turning them into numerical values). The more advanced this analysis, the closer an AI can get to human decision-making.

Although AI is an expansive and interesting field, it can be difficult for high schoolers interested in AI to find resources. I’m sharing ideas for how to get into AI as a high school student.

What degrees are best for AI?

I'm here to help! Interested in learning about how to get into AI? I hope to provide you with resources and new discoveries! Start by looking for a college here.

Degrees in Machine Learning, Computer Science, Neural Networks, and a specific AI subsection (ie: medical, transportation, aerospace) are safe bets. A Master's degree is suggested for more fields, many of which are available both on-campus and online college.

What if I don't want to go to college?

Not interested in college? No problem, there are programs available to you as well!

Research programs and companies near you might offer certificates or internships online.

This is another viable option for how to get into AI. It would offer a great entrance to the field, and real hands-on hands expertise.

One of these I found most intriguing, as an ambassador, was our own Inspirit AI program. With deep dives for varying fields, hands-on coding, and a wide variety of resources available upon completion, I feel as though Inspirit AI has prepared me to work in the field very soon.

What has AI been doing lately?

Not convinced AI is for you? Here are some of the most recent and exciting projects from around the world:

The field of AI is an ever-growing market full of new opportunities and experiences. It’s even compatible with most other professions. Interested in dance and AI? View this video on deep fake AI replicating dance moves for regeneration.

The real-world applications can be endless. So join Inspirit AI in their newest programs for coding lessons, advice from experts, and inspiring projects from guest speakers.

I hope this has helped you understand the many ways of how to get into AI as a high school student.


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