How to Get Started in Computer Science in High School

Today I’ll be discussing how to get started in CS and prep for CS in college.

Some of you might be high school students and have questions like “How can I get started in CS as a high schooler?”, “What out-of-school activities can I do to get involved in CS?”, or “What are some things I can do to prepare for CS in college?”.

Well today, I’ll be answering those questions!

CS in high school

How can I get started in CS as a high schooler?

  1. Take a CS Class at your School

    One thing you can do to get started in CS as a high schooler is to take a CS class at your high school. This also helps you prepare for CS in college as you’ll learn concepts that you will be required to know when you take your first CS course in college.

    According to Felix Cabrera, a Computer Science graduate tutor and teacher, “The Computer Science Program I graduated from required in the first year Introduction to Computer Programming I and II. These courses cover the topics of the fundamentals of computer programming such as variables, decision structures, loops, and functions.”[1]

    By taking a CS class in high school, you’ll be better prepared for CS in college, as you’ll already know the concepts you need to know to take an introductory CS college course.

  2. Join a CS-Related Club at your School

    Joining a CS-related club at your school can help you get more involved or get started in CS.

    By joining a CS-related club at your school, you can meet students at your school who share your interests. You can also learn about CS-related topics (such as computer programming). Some clubs teach CS-related topics to new members.

    Even if you already know some CS, you can learn from other members who might have more experience or know more about a certain subject (e.g. having more experience in a certain programming language). If there isn’t a CS-related club at your school, a CS-related camp is a good alternative.

  3. Do Coding Projects

    So far, all I’ve talked about are school-related activities. But what if you don’t have things like this at your school? Don’t worry! There are still other things you can do!

    One of these things is doing coding projects on your own. Doing coding projects allows you to apply what you know to something you’re interested in. It also allows you to get more familiar with a certain programming language.

    If you are taking a CS course (in or out of school) and want to get more familiar with the language that course might be using, then doing coding projects using that language is a great way of achieving that.

    According to Cabrera, “Similar to getting familiar with computer programming, having a general idea of how the programming language you will use in class can help you comprehend the concepts, and increase your performance on the course.”[1]

  4. Attend Hackathons

    A hackathon is an event where a group of programmers collaborate on a coding project. In most hackathons, several teams compete to create prototypes that “innovate on a theme or improve upon an existing project.”[2]

    There are quite a few benefits to hackathons:

    1. Network with like-minded people

      One of them is the opportunity to network with like-minded programmers. Since hackathons bring together many programmers, you might find people who share your interests and skills, making it the perfect networking environment. All you have to do is exchange contact info.

    2. Boost your Resume

      Another benefit is that it looks good on your resume/CV. “Hackathon participation looks very good on your resume or CV. It signals to people that you have programming skills, experience working in intense environments, and know how to win. People know that participating in a hackathon instantly increases your knowledge and skill level.”[2]

    3. Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

      Since many hackathons are competitions, there are usually time constraints you and your team will have to deal with when creating a prototype. This and other challenges create an intense problem-solving environment. This facilitates the “creation of innovative ideas and concepts. You must work with people from various fields, with multiple interests and skills, all collaborating to solve the same problem.”[2]

What math should I take for CS in college?

If you want to be prepared for CS in college, then brushing up your math skills is a good idea. According to Cabrera, “Computer Science is a field that is very related to math. As you progress through your degree, you will take courses (depending on your program) like Analysis of Algorithms, Numerical, and Theory of Computation, which requires Math to really understand the concepts and ideas on a deeper level.”[1] If you want to excel in your CS courses at college, then brush up on your math skills!





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