How to Succeed in Computer Science in High School

Want to learn more about how to succeed in Computer Science in High School and prepare yourself for the future?

If you want to know how important computer courses are in high school, how to get experience in Computer Science, and how to score well on the AP exam, then continue to read along.

How important is it to learn to code in High School?

Computer science and AI is an expanding field which is affecting all aspects of our daily lives and businesses. From our phones to our cars, AI and Computer Science are with us all the time.

In the article “How is the Field of Computer Science Changing?” by Computer Science Degree Hub, readers are told that “the field of computer science is projected to grow by 21 percent through 2028, making it one of the fastest-growing professions in the global economy.”

Twenty-one percent! - the computer science field is growing rapidly and will continue to grow in the future, so how do you get a head start and succeed in computer science?

The answer is to take a computer science course as early as possible.

What should High Schoolers do to get experience in AI?

As someone who is passionate about entering a college with a good computer science program, completing high school computer science courses have been a great experience.

I have learned my strengths and weaknesses, and what intrigues me and doesn’t. By starting early, you can find out where they desire to be in the computer science field faster, which allows them to be more prepared.

In the Atomic Object, it is said that “In 2013, over half of Google’s engineering staff reported having formal computer science education in high school” and “Taking AP CS makes a college student six times more likely to major in CS in college. CS majors earn 1.56 times more than the average of other majors.”

High school computer science courses clearly help you be more prepared and knowledgeable when preparing for college, and succeeding in computer science.

In addition to taking computer science courses in high school, you can discover more pathways towards knowledge.

Find resources such as Inspirit AI or a computer language course by simply scouring the internet.

Talk to your teachers about programs you can join and what other activities you should be involved in.

An example of a good activity to join, that is easily accessible, is a school computer club such as a Hack Club.

Through these clubs, students are able to learn together and learn how to communicate with one another. If your school doesn’t have a club, I recommend that you quickly start one of your own.

By starting your own club you demonstrate leadership qualities and it speaks for your passion towards computer science.

How can I do well in High School Computer Science?

Lastly, if you plan on taking the AP Computer Science class, I’ll thoroughly explain how to succeed.

The AP exam has two parts, the “Create Performance Task” and the end of course AP written exam.

The Create Performance Task is a project done either with a partner or by yourself.

The project’s topic is up to the individual, but it must display full use of what they have learned over the course of the year.

You are given 12 hours in class to complete this project and will have to give a video and written responses to your project.

My main advice to you is to not procrastinate on this project as you should have a detailed video explaining your program and well written responses.

The 2nd portion of the AP exam is the end of course AP written exam.

In this written exam, there are 2 portions; the multiple choice and free response questions.

The multiple choice and free response questions are both 50% of your score.

To prepare for both of these portions, go through the units done in your class.

Make sure that you have a good understanding of what is being taught, and if not, practice. Practice is the best method as you will truly get an understanding of how to apply a method or function to a certain problem.

By practicing, you will learn how to read code and identify errors which will help you tremendously on the multiple choice portion.

Thus, by joining the computer science courses at an early age, you can find your passion and succeed in computer science.


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