Inside the Concord Review: Learning, Applying, and Showcasing

Embarking on an academic journey isn't just about expanding your own knowledge; It is a path of learning, teamwork, and intellectual growth. Among the wide range of academic enrichment platforms, the Concord Review truly stands out, offering a platform that celebrates in-depth research, excellent writing, and academic success for aspiring scholars.

Why put effort into improving your writing skills?

Effective communication is an essential skill every high school should strive to master, and the Concord Review underscores the significance of proficient academic writing to help with that. Students participating in this program not only engage in extensive research but also learn the art of crafting eloquent and well-structured papers. 

Benefits of proficient writing skills:

  • Communication: Effective writing is a cornerstone of communication. Clear, well-structured writing helps convey thoughts, ideas, and information more precisely, allowing you to articulate your message in a compelling and understandable manner.

  • Professional Development: Strong writing skills are highly sought after in most professions. Whether you're crafting emails, reports, presentations, or proposals, being able to communicate your thoughts eloquently and professionally can significantly impact your career growth.

  • Critical Thinking: Writing involves structuring thoughts and arguments logically. It challenges you to think critically, analyze information, and present it in a coherent way, thereby enhancing your cognitive abilities.

  • Personal Expression: Writing serves as a medium for self-expression. Developing your writing skills empowers you to articulate your feelings, thoughts, and perspectives creatively, allowing you to connect more deeply with others and with yourself.

  • Academic Achievement: In an academic setting, proficient writing is fundamental. It influences grades, impacts research work, and showcases your understanding of the subject matter. Strong writing skills often translate to better academic performance.

  • Career Advancement: Irrespective of the field, good writing can set you apart. It's an essential skill that can distinguish you from others, aiding in securing job opportunities, promotions, and leadership roles.

  • Boosting Confidence: Improving your writing can boost your confidence. Being able to express yourself clearly and convincingly can enhance self-assurance in various aspects of life.

What is the Concord Review?

The Concord Review is more than just another regular academic journal; It is a platform that emphasizes the importance of encouraging younger students to take part in research and the writing process. Founded in 1987 by Will Fitzhugh, this esteemed publication provides a unique space for young scholars to showcase their historical research papers. As one of the few prestigious avenues for students to showcase their work,  Concord Review acts as a stepping stone toward a global audience. 

Exploring the World of Historical Inquiry

At the heart of the Concord Review lies the essence of historical inquiry. This platform encourages students to dive deeper into extensive research, analyze historical events, and articulate their findings in scholarly papers. Through this process, students develop critical thinking skills, hone their research methodologies, and deepen their understanding of historical events. They even provide a lot of educational opportunities for participants!!

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TCR History Camp

This program consists of intensive online and in-person workshops where students can practice and ask questions about researching historical topics. Students must arrive with a topic and some background research and will be guided from there to the final research paper. This process could take two-six months. But the result will be worth it. You have a 4000-8000 word paper that can act as a display of your academic passion. 

Specific skills that are taught:

  • Formulating productive research questions

  • Finding Primary and Secondary Sources

  • Taking effective notes

  • Examining Model History Essays

  • Using various analytical and narrative writing strategies

  • Creating effective organizational structures

  • Contemplating the larger message from an older text

Writing is such a vast subject with a lot of room for growth. So, the Concord Review History Camps are split into 2 groups: High school and Middle school.

High School Programs:

  • 2-week Online and In-Person History Camps or 10 week Online Fall/Winter Weekend Camps

  • $3,500 Tuition

  • Early Application: Dec 31st 2023

  • Regular Application: Feb 29th 2024

Middle School Program:

  • 2-week Online History Camps or 8-weekend Online History Seminars. 

  • $800 Tuition

  • Application Deadlines vary by season 

TCR Academic Coaches

The Concord Review Academic Coaching Service offers personalized online coaching for high school students aiming to exceed their school's academic standards. The coaches provide guidance in crafting high-quality, in-depth research papers. 

These papers can be used for college applications, essays, interviews, national contests like MIT INSPIRE, and submissions to various history journals, including The Concord Review. 

For more information check out the website: 

The National Writing Board

The National Writing Board offers an independent evaluation service within Concord Review for students. Two senior writers review each paper and provide the author with a detailed analysis of it. This report can later be sent to college admission officers to enhance application.

  • $350 service cost

  • Have previously assessed papers from 37 states and 11 countries

  • This service is backed by 39 colleges like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Duke, etc. 

For more information check out the website: 

Getting a Research Paper Published

Great news is that essays are accepted on a ”rolling admissions” basis and can be submitted by the following deadlines: August 1(Winter), November 1(Spring), February 1 (Summer), May 1 (Fall). As evident above, the publication has four issues of the journal throughout the year. In order to apply though, your essay must fit some criteria.

Essay Requirements: 

  • Completed before graduating high school

  • You must be the sole contributor to the essay

  • Must be written in English 

  • Should not have been published elsewhere

  • Ranges from 5,000 to 9,000 words

  • Use Turabian endnotes and a bibliography

Additional  rules are displayed here: 

Acceptance Procedure:

Acceptance letters will be sent out ONE month before the publication. Due to the competitiveness of the program, there is a 5% acceptance rate. But, it is always best to try even when in doubt. Just by applying once, your essay is eligible to be considered for the next 4 issues!! 

Showcasing Concord Review on College Applications

Being published in the Concord Review speaks volumes about a student's commitment to scholarly pursuits and academic excellence. Colleges and universities value applicants who exhibit a drive for learning beyond curriculum boundaries. An inclusion of Concord Review publications in college applications serves as a testament to a student's intellectual curiosity, research capabilities, and writing proficiency, distinguishing them from their peers. 

This is clearly shown as 42% of past Concord Review authors have gone to attend Ivy League colleges. 

The Final Insight

The Concord Review is more than just a regular publication; it's a showcase of high school students' dedication, curiosity, and scholarly accomplishments worldwide. Getting involved in the Concord Review not only encourages an interest in history but also promotes a culture of top-notch academic skills and great writing that goes way beyond high school. It's not just about showing off academic abilities; it's about nurturing future scholars, historians, and writers, making a lasting impact on the academic world.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Prisha Marpu, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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