Learning AI in High School: Why It's Important

Are you an artist? Do you care deeply about the environment? Or, are you interested in working in the medical field?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to impact every industry in today's world.

I will highlight the significance of learning AI in any field for high school students.

This guide will answer the following questions: What are some of AI's various applications? Why is it critical for a high school student to understand AI? How is AI affecting every aspect of life?

How is AI affecting every facet of life?


Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a subfield of computer science concerned with making machines intelligent. AI aspires to provide machines with the same attributes that make humans intelligent.

We may have seen AI in our daily lives, such as self-driving cars, Amazon's Alexa, or autocorrect, but what goes into each and every line of code?

Concepts like computer vision, which deals with a machine's capacity to analyze images, are used in self-driving cars, for example.

AI is essential for the car to assess traffic lights, oncoming pedestrians, and even the road's twists and turns.

As AI becomes increasingly prominent in everyday life, it is growing rapidly.

An article by Medium states that “the AI market is projected to become a $190 billion industry by 2025” (Medium).

As a result, AI will continue to have an impact on our daily lives and the future, making it critical for high school students to understand and learn about AI.

What are the various applications of AI?


As AI progresses, it's vital to remember that it has applications in a wide range of fields other than computer science.

For example, if you are interested in healthcare or the medical industry, AI can be utilized for medical diagnostics, drug discovery, genomics, and even ambulance response time improvement.

Furthermore, if you're passionate about the environment, AI may be used to automate farm machinery, monitor pest invasions, discover plant diseases, and aid in the production of more food to feed the expanding population.

Even in the arts, AI can be utilized to make images using several algorithms.

The expanding presence of AI in every industry demonstrates its relevance for high school students learning AI and interested in pursuing any career in the future.

Why is it important to understand AI as a high schooler?


There are many fascinating projects you may do as a high school student to explore the problems that AI can solve.

Building Chatbots that continually engage with humans, for example, would be a fantastic project to undertake. This may be accomplished by utilizing both the Python coding language and the neural network algorithm.

Building a machine that can diagnose or identify COVID-19 based on a chest x-ray is another example that can be applied to modern society. Various techniques, such as neural networks, decision trees, and logistic regression, could be used to accomplish this.

The bottom line is that there are various avenues to pursue when it comes to AI as a high school student, and doing projects can help you figure out which one interests you the most.


Overall, AI is fast evolving, and high school students can explore their interests in AI no matter what career path they pursue.

AI's rising influence on every field and sector is tremendously significant, making it essential for learning AI as a high school student.

At the end of the day, whether you're interested in art, medicine, or the environment, AI will inevitably be relevant.


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