Regeneron Science Talent Search: One of the Most Rigorous Science Competition

Regeneron Science Talent Search is one of the most recognized competitions by colleges. Pushing yourself and achieving this competition will give you a good experience.

What this blog will cover:

  • What is Regeneron Science Talent Search

  • How to Apply

  • Timeline for the Competition

  • Reason to participate

  • Tips for Regeneron Science Talent Search

What is the Regeneron Science Talent Search(STS)?

This competition is formerly known as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search. It is one of the prestigious competitions that has partnered with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and the Society for Science. The Regeneron Science Talent Search is held every year to celebrate and award the brightest young next generation scientist in the United States. It covers the topic of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, and environmental science.

STS was established in 1942 and it is continuing to reward and recognize the young generation of scientists and mathematicians. STS is recognized in colleges that it will be a good extracurricular opportunity for high schoolers.

How to Apply: A Gateway to Success

To apply to STS, students must demonstrate their scientific knowledge through a comprehensive research paper. The selection criteria focus not only on the complexity of the research but also on the scientific method, creativity, and the broader significance of the research.

What does the application process entail?

  • Essay questions

  • Questions about the research project

  • Max 20 page original scientific paper

  • Teacher recommendations

  • Transcript

  • Test scores (optional)

 Check more about these requirements in the Regeneron STS website.

The application requires a lot of effort and time to finish it. Make sure to start early and try to make yourself more unique. 

Timeline of the Competition: A Gateway to Excellence

Important Dates for STS 2024:

June 1 - November 8, 2023 : STS Application Period

January 10, 2024: Top 300 Scholars Announced

January 24, 2024: Top 40 Finalists Announced

March 6 - 13, 2024: Regeneron STS Finals Week

March 10, 2024: Public Exhibition of Projects

Understanding the full timeline of the Regeneron Science Talent Search is crucial for participants. The competition requires year-long participation. The competition usually begins in the early fall and finalists are announced in January. This finalist can exhibit their projects in Washington, D.C. This event is providing a unique opportunity to interact with known scientists, industry professionals, and peers.

After the competition, finalists usually continues their scientific research in much complex level. Also they earn amazing experience and network to continue on their scientific projects. 

Finalists usually start their scientific project earlier than June to make the research paper much more complex and unique. I would recommend starting to start preparing your applications early. 


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Why You Should Try Out: A Gateway to Opportunities

Participating in the Regeneron Science Talent Search is more than entering a competition. It provides amazing experiences and it is an investment for future scientists.  Here are compelling reasons why highschoolers to try out:

Recognition and Prestige:

Regeneron STS finalist gains a prestigious honor. Not only it recognizes the hard work and dedication, it also opens up future opportunities by gaining new networks with professionals. Also the finalists in the competitions are recognized in many top schools so that it can increase your chance to get into the college that you want.

Networking and Mentorship: 

The finalist gains an opportunity to participate in public exhibitions in Washington D.C. This connects the finalists with leading scientists, industry professionals, and peers who share the same passion for science. This opportunity to meet new professionals and mentorship is not a common opportunity that you can earn. Also this new network can open up new opportunities for science journeys. 

Skill Development: 

As the application process requires deep understanding of science, interaction with other experts, and writing a complex research paper, the participants learn skills that are essential for the success in any scientific career. Even if the participants don’t get in the finalists, they still earn valuable lessons and skills that will help them in the future.

Gateway to Success: 

Many former finalists have gone on to make significant contributions to their respective fields. The Regeneron STS serves as a foundation to many young scientists to showcase their excellence and innovation to other people. This recognized competition gives the opportunity for the students to participate in one of the rigorous research projects.

Tips for a Successful Regeneron Science Talent Search Journey:

  1.  Start Early:

    Begin your research project as early as possible to allow full complex exploration and experimentation. Early starts will help you to leave ample time for improvement tand make your paper much more complex and unique.

  2. Choose a Passionate Mentor: 

    Seek guidance from a mentor who shares the same passion with you. A passionate and supportive mentor can provide valuable comments, resources, and encouragement throughout the research process. This will make your process of application much more easy and give you a better output in the competition.

  3. Define Clear Objectives: 

    When writing long research papers, sometimes students get off topic and make the whole objective confusing. So try your best to clearly define the objectives of your research. Writing down a well-defined goal will help you to guide through the paper. This will help to enhance the overall quality of your project.

    Moreover, try not to talk about information that is off topic. This can confuse the readers and interrupt your whole main objectives on the research paper.

  4. Effective Communication:

    Try to write your paper as clearly as possible. Ask your peers, teachers, or mentors to look over your paper and check if they got the exact idea that you wan’t. Sometimes writing a long research paper will confuse you and lose the topic. Check with others to make sure that you're communicating your idea as clearly as possible. This will help to enhance your overall quality of the research paper. 

  5. Highlight Innovation:

    The Regeneron STS values innovation. Ensure that your project showcases a unique approach or perspective in your chosen scientific field. So try to not use a topic that is already widely used. 

  6. Stay Committed: 

    The research process can be challenging. Stay committed and focused to your project and celebrate small victories along the way. Perseverance is key to this competition. If you are tired of it, take a little break and come back to it. This will provide you with new insights and make your research more complex.

  7. Leverage Resources: 

    Take advantage of available resources, whether it's laboratory facilities, scientific literature, or guidance from experts. Try to utilize more resources that are available. This will help to enhance the quality of your research. Don’t be afraid to ask for resources to your mentor and teachers. 


The Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) is a complex, rigorous competition. For any high school senior with a passion for science and mathematics, this competition is a gateway to success, excellence, and opportunities. So try to seize the opportunity to showcase your research. The experience during the application process will enhance your skill for future scientific journeys. Don’t be afraid to start! Just start with what you're curious about and just do it! 

More Information about Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) can be found here.


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AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Sooyeon Ahn, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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