Student Tips for a STEM High School Student

Growing up in Silicon Valley, the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are pillars of the community.

In the area, there are many students who indulge in activities with STEM.

Over the course of my journey in STEM, there have been many student tips and techniques that I have learned in order to be successful in STEM.

I’m sharing my top 10 student tips to be successful as a STEM student:

  1. Take challenging STEM classes in school. Now, I understand that in some schools and communities, there is not a lot of advanced STEM class offerings, however try your best to find classes that challenge you. In the long run, this will help you become more knowledgeable to help you with your future career.

  2. Stay Organized. When studying STEM subjects, it is crucial to stay organized. Organization is something that is underrated, and with it, it is a lot easier to study for tests, submit homework on time, and be a good student overall.

  3. Find opportunities in STEM outside of school. Whether it’s an internship, summer program, or a just a job, experience in STEM is key. Hands-on projects will show proficiency in STEM and it is an additional benefit to have on your resume.

  4. Become acquainted with your teachers. Visit them in office hours, engage in conversations, and generally have a good relationship with them. The reason for this is because they are the ones that will determine your grades and they are the ones writing recs.

  5. Don’t quit. No matter how hard it might get, it is important to stay motivated. STEM is a very difficult subject that requires a lot of effort and time. Rome was not built in a day. It takes time to become a STEM master.

  6. Develop leadership qualities. Being a leader creates many more opportunities in STEM because it is a valuable quality that others look for.

  7. Indulge yourself in STEM topics in your free time. Read articles, books, forums, and anything about STEM.

  8. Be friendly towards others. This will help you later in life when you get a good job or opportunity in STEM because of the connections you've made.

  9. Develop a plan. This goes with tip 2 but having a mental plan will be critical to success as it can serve as a guide. It doesn’t need to be an official plan but just something to guide you in your stem career.

  10. Finally, have interests and skills outside of STEM. STEM is an awesome field but indulging in other interests can be just as fulfilling in life. Having a balance between STEM and other interests is necessary.

These are my ten student tips for being successful as a STEM student.


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