The Benefits IB Students Gain from Learning About AI

Are you an IB student interested in adding AI to your skillset? Learn more about the benefits IB students gain from learning AI.

The Benefits IB Students Gain from Learning About AI

Why is learning AI good for an IB student?

As an IB student, we are always encouraged to understand the reasons and significance of every single content. It is sometimes frustrating that we can’t be rewarded any points if we don’t explain our thought processes in words, even though we understand it! Along with the rigorous academic courses, we also have to actively participate in diverse extracurricular activities through CAS. Of course, TOK is also a great deal!

We constantly confront time management issues, and seek the most efficient ways to multitask. It has only been two months since I became a DP student, but I am already feeling the massive amount of work piling up. However, I am doing a quite good job in keeping up with everything. Today, I am here to give you some tips for surviving IBDP, along with AI!

Tips for Surviving IBDP and AI

Logical thinking

Programming is based on logical thinking processes. We need to communicate with the computer step by step to make things happen as we want. Doesn’t this sound familiar? Yes, this is what we are required to do for exams. We have to explain every thinking process and connect our logic through tight chains.

I first had a hard time understanding what this really meant. I had to spend days and days pondering on how I should structure the essay in a logical way. But as soon as I found that the whole process was similar to writing code, I could easily understand what I should do.

Defining the key words of the question was like defining variables. I will just have to name what I think is necessary and use them throughout the essay. Then, I make sure at the end of every claim I make, I connect back to the purpose of writing and confirm the lines above support my definition. This was similar to checking if the brackets were in place, and every algorithm makes sense! Lastly, I double-checked if I had any grammar or spelling errors. I could make my sentences more natural. This is the process of putting the commas and brackets in the right place!

After that, I also got feedback from my teachers and friends. I could see if there are any logical flaws or holes to fill in. I felt like this was the process where I tested if my code worked! Yes, it is sometimes very frustrating since I have to check and change small parts every time I get feedback. However, I was sure my logic was getting stronger!

This strategy made me actually enjoy structuring the essay. I hope you will also try this out and find your own strategy!

Connections to real-life issues

The “Real life situation” or “Real life issue” may be most disturbing to you. How can we even know everything about the world?

Well, here is a tip. Just explore the libraries! Click on some popular topics and take a look at the data set. It will give you a general idea of the trend of data. Also, when you work with Python and clean the data, you can easily get the information you need for supporting your claim. For example, let’s say you are writing a paper for Business Management and you have to explain why it is good for a company to convert from a partnership to a PLC. Your first argument is that it is beneficial because it will become easier to get financed. You could look up the data for how COVID affected businesses and clean up the data to see how many were negatively affected due to lack of finance. This will be a concrete example you could use to strengthen your argument!

Diverse activities

There are so many activities you could do that are related to AI! Since we all need to complete CAS and also participate in other outside activities, we need some help.

There are so many resources and people out there that are willing to help! For example, Inspirit AI has a program that supplies you with resources for an “AI + Ethics” club. I am integrating this program into a club I am leading, and I find that I am learning deeper! Exploit all these resources available online to accomplish an efficient and memorable activity!

Also, there are conferences and camps during vacation! Inspirit AI also offers courses over the winter and summer, along with subsequent deep-dive courses! Various conferences and webinars are also available.

I hope this post made your lives easier as a DP student, and … don’t forget to get some rest!


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