The STEM Journey as a High School Student

For upcoming high-school students or students who are hoping to start their STEM journey, it might seem a little intimidating. You might wonder, what are the clubs and classes that are typically offered? How busy will you be on a daily basis? And how many hours will you dedicate to STEM on a weekly basis?

Read on to find out more about how to pursue STEM in high school.

What skills do I learn in a STEM education?

It’s difficult to know exactly what your daily life will look like once you start your STEM journey and this uncertainty can be a source of concern. The STEM journey won’t be the same for everyone, many undetermined factors can and will affect your routine, however, starting this journey isn’t as intimidating as it sounds.

On the STEM journey you will pick up and develop skills in areas such as:

  • Problem-Solving

  • Communication & Collaboration

  • Confidence to Adapt to Change

  • College & Career Preparations

Here’s what my STEM journey looks like on a daily basis as a high-school student in Vietnam.


STEM, an acronym for sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Why did I choose STEM? This was partially because of the fascination that stemmed (see what I did there?) from my interest in space. As a young kid, I’ve always had a lot of exposure to technology, more specifically, TVs. Here in Vietnam, the majority of shows aired on the televisions were science fiction and the shows were typically set in space or had extraterrestrial beings. This was the catalyst for my interest in space.

Another reason for my decision in choosing STEM was my growing interest in sciences and technology. Here in Vietnam, science classes are mandatory, we were taught the three basic sciences: biology, chemistry, and physics. We were also obligated to choose a technology class, for example, robotics. Therefore, I had a lot of opportunities to explore in these fields.

As I grew older, I realized that STEM was the future. In the 21st century, STEM is connected to everything and anything. This assured me that STEM would prepare me no matter what major I chose because I knew that I would be able to incorporate some sort of STEM experience into it. In addition, STEM encompasses a variety of the quickest growing industries and STEM workers usually earn more than their non-STEM colleagues.

What is the STEM Course Load?

For me, setting off on the STEM path meant that I had to be committed and dedicated to the journey, taking the general STEM classes offered and also taking the AP or honors classes offered. Choosing to do this meant that I had to spend at least 12 hours on a weekly basis doing course work, studying, and preparing for STEM classes alone. Furthermore, these 12 hours do not include any time that I might spend attending classes. However, the hours I spent on a weekly basis might not be the same for you. STEM covers a variety of subjects, therefore, there will also be a wide variety of classes offered and each class’s course load will vary. More challenging classes such as AP, IB, and honors, will require more time put into studying and doing the course work. Less challenging classes such as general classes will require less time.

However, classes alone weren’t enough, I had also opted to join STEM extracurriculars that caught my eye. This included the robotics team that my school had. The extracurriculars were helpful because I got to spend time in an environment surrounded by people with similar interests.

What is STEM Coursework like?

The work given in general classes tends to be more simple and less time consuming. On the other hand, challenging classes will take up most of your time; whether it’s for doing the homework, preparing for the next class or studying for a test. Choosing challenging courses will guarantee an abundance of knowledge and classwork.

For extracurriculars, coursework is optional, we tend to finish our tasks during club hours. However, if we are unable to complete it, we can choose to complete it at home or take it easy and finish it at the next club meeting.

Sample STEM Schedule

There are a multitude of factors that influence how busy you will be as a STEM student. Although no student's experiences are exactly alike, it’s easy to get a picture of what the average STEM student can expect in their journey. Here is what you can expect on an average day as a STEM student:

7:00 AM: Wake Up! Make sure to grab something to eat and get your energy levels up because STEM students usually have a long day ahead of them!
8:00 AM: Arrive at your classes!
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Classes
12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch Break! Make sure to replenish your energy.
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Classes
3:00 PM: Make sure to attend office hours! As a STEM student, any extra clarification is extremely helpful!
4:00 PM: Head to your extracurriculars
5:00 PM: Head home, take a shower, and give yourself a small break!
6:00 PM: Get dinner! Get some energy in before you tackle your STEM work!
7:00 - 10:00 PM: It’s time to hit the books!
11:00 PM: Head to bed, make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep!

The schedule might seem packed but like I had mentioned, no student’s experiences are exactly alike! Your schedule as a new STEM student will look different!


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