Why I Decided to Pursue a Career in AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI aims to replicate and mimic human cognitive abilities e.g problem-solving.

AI involves the study and application of algorithms, statistical models, and computational systems to enable machines to perceive and understand their environment, make decisions, and take actions.

AI encompasses various subfields, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems: 

  • Machine learning is a core component of AI, where algorithms learn from data and improve their performance over time without explicit programming.

  • Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, uses artificial neural networks to process and understand complex patterns and data representations.

The applications of AI are vast and diverse, ranging from virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to autonomous vehicles, medical diagnosis systems, recommendation engines, fraud detection systems, and more. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, enhance productivity, optimize processes, and solve complex problems across multiple domains.

However, it's important to note that AI also raises ethical considerations, including privacy, bias, and the impact on the job market. Striking a balance between technological advancement and responsible development is crucial to ensure that AI benefits society while addressing potential challenges.

As a result, AI will take over the world in the future, impacting nearly every field imaginable. AI and data science experts will be needed throughout all fields, ranging from banking, tech, education, to lawmakers and regulators aiming to deal with ethical concerns.

why i decided to pursue a career in ai

The AI industry?

As most people would have known by now, the AI industry is one of the fastest growing and most promising industries and will impact nearly every other industry. In this section, we will look greater into the true size of the AI industry and its impact.

The AI industry has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, attaining a significant size that reflects its immense potential. According to market research, the global AI market reached a value of USD 62.35 billion in 2020 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 40% from 2021 to 2028. This substantial market size underscores the increasing adoption of AI technologies across various sectors worldwide. 

AI has permeated virtually every sector, spanning industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, retail, and entertainment. The breadth of AI's applications is vast, ranging from autonomous vehicles and virtual assistants to fraud detection systems and personalized healthcare. This diversity of applications demonstrates the extensive reach and potential of AI, positioning it as a transformative force across multiple sectors.

The growth prospects of the AI industry are further amplified by significant investment and funding. Governments, corporations, and venture capitalists are actively allocating resources to AI research and development. The investment landscape in AI is robust, with funding directed towards startups, academic institutions, and industry collaborations. This financial backing reflects the confidence and belief in the future of AI, ensuring sustained growth and technological advancements.

The rapid progress in machine learning and deep learning algorithms has played a pivotal role in driving the growth of the AI industry. These advancements enable machines to learn from data, recognize patterns, and make intelligent decisions. Breakthroughs in natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning have expanded the horizons of AI, propelling its growth and paving the way for further innovation.

Enterprises across industries are increasingly embracing AI to streamline operations, optimize processes, and gain a competitive edge. From automating routine tasks to improving customer experience and deriving data-driven insights, AI empowers businesses to make informed decisions and enhance productivity. As industries witness the tangible benefits of AI adoption, the demand for AI technologies and solutions continues to surge.

The future growth prospects of the AI industry are incredibly promising. Advancements in AI hardware, the proliferation of big data, and the convergence of AI with other technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are expected to accelerate the industry's growth. The potential for AI to solve complex problems, unlock new business models, and drive innovation positions it as a key driver of economic growth and transformation in the coming years.

According to a PwC report, AI is estimated to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030: 

  • In healthcare, AI applications are projected to create $150 billion in annual savings for the United States healthcare economy by 2026. 

  • The banking industry can expect an increase of 14% in revenue by 2035 through AI adoption, as per an Accenture analysis. 

  • The manufacturing sector can experience a 39% increase in productivity by implementing AI technologies, according to a study by the Boston Consulting Group. 

  • In retail, AI-powered chatbots can save businesses up to $8 billion per year by 2022, as stated by Juniper Research. 

These statistics underscore the immense potential of AI to drive economic growth, enhance efficiency, and transform industries on a global scale.

Why I chose AI

Growing up in a traditional Asian household, stem careers were king of all careers. This coupled with the great prospects of the growing tech and AI industry, I was naturally inclined to pursue a career in AI.

Pursuing a career in AI is great. As stated above, it will affect nearly every industry, making it extremely easy to transition between industries. This provides a lot of flexibility to those who remain unsure on which career path is suited for them.

This was a large reason for my decision to pursue AI. My dream has always been to work as an investment banker but there was always a part of me that still wanted to pursue a career in the Tech field, researching and investing in technology for the betterment of living standards.

Additionally, before big tech companies began laying off thousands of workers this year, tech workers, notably in big tech companies e.g Apple and Google, offered the greatest pay packages for fresh college grads out of any industry, with starting pay packages ranging up to over $200,000, incentivizing me and thousands of other talented students to pursue AI.

Additionally, here are several other benefits for pursuing a career in AI:

  • Intellectual Stimulation: Working in AI provides constant intellectual challenges, as you engage in solving complex problems and developing innovative solutions. It requires continuous learning and staying updated with the latest advancements, ensuring a stimulating and intellectually rewarding career.

  • Career Growth and Advancement: AI professionals are in high demand, with excellent career growth opportunities. As you gain experience and expertise in AI, you can progress to more senior roles, lead research projects, or even become an entrepreneur in the AI industry.

  • Competitive Salaries: The demand for AI professionals comes with competitive salaries. AI expertise is highly valued, and organizations are willing to offer attractive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent in the field.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: AI is an interdisciplinary field that intersects with various domains such as computer science, mathematics, neuroscience, and more. Pursuing a career in AI allows you to collaborate with experts from diverse backgrounds, fostering a dynamic and enriching work environment.

  • Impactful Work: AI has the potential to make a significant impact on society and various industries. By developing AI solutions, you can contribute to advancements in healthcare, finance, transportation, climate change, and many other areas, making a positive difference in the world.

  • Continuous Learning and Innovation: AI is an ever-evolving field with constant advancements and new challenges. Pursuing a career in AI ensures that you are continually learning, exploring new technologies, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, fostering a mindset of lifelong learning and innovation.

  • Flexibility and Remote Work Opportunities: AI roles often offer flexibility in terms of work arrangements. With the increasing prevalence of remote work, many AI professionals have the option to work remotely or enjoy flexible work hours, providing a better work-life balance.

  • International Opportunities: AI is a global field, and pursuing a career in AI opens doors to international opportunities. Organizations and research institutions worldwide are actively seeking AI talent, allowing you to work and collaborate with professionals from different cultures and backgrounds.

  • Entrepreneurial Ventures: AI advancements create a fertile ground for entrepreneurial ventures. Pursuing a career in AI can provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop your own AI-based products or start your own AI-focused company, enabling you to be at the forefront of innovation and potentially achieve financial independence.

  • Fulfilling Work: Many individuals find immense satisfaction in working in AI, as it allows them to explore their passion for technology, problem-solving, and making a meaningful impact. Contributing to cutting-edge AI research and applications can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose in your professional journey.

How I got started with AI

With the amount of content available online, teaching the basics of AI and coding, you can get started on your journey with a simple google search. Luckily for you, I have done all the research for you and compiled a list of websites that I believe are great to get started on your AI journey.

Here is a list of popular websites that offer courses and resources for learning AI, along with a brief summary of each:

  • Coursera: Coursera is a leading online learning platform that offers a wide range of AI courses from top universities and institutions. It provides comprehensive courses on topics such as machine learning, deep learning, and AI applications.

  • edX: edX is another well-known online learning platform that offers AI courses from renowned universities. It covers various AI topics, including algorithms, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.

  • Udacity: Udacity focuses on providing practical, job-ready AI courses developed in collaboration with industry experts. It offers nanodegree programs in AI, machine learning, and specialized tracks like computer vision and natural language processing.

  • Udemy: Udemy is a popular platform that hosts a vast selection of AI courses taught by industry professionals. It covers a wide range of AI-related topics, including machine learning algorithms, deep learning frameworks, and AI applications in specific domains.

  • Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers free, self-paced AI courses for learners of all ages. It provides introductory courses on AI concepts, algorithms, and practical applications, making it accessible to beginners.

  • Codecademy: Codecademy focuses on teaching programming skills, including AI-related topics. It offers courses in Python, R, and other programming languages commonly used in AI development, making it suitable for learners interested in coding AI algorithms.

  • DataCamp: DataCamp specializes in data science and offers AI courses that emphasize practical skills. It covers topics like machine learning, deep learning frameworks, and data manipulation techniques using programming languages such as Python and R.

  • Fast.ai: Fast.ai provides practical AI courses with a focus on deep learning. It offers free courses that take a hands-on approach, enabling learners to build and train AI models using popular frameworks like PyTorch.

  • Stanford Online: Stanford University offers online AI courses through its Stanford Online platform. These courses cover a wide range of AI topics, including machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics.

  • MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT OpenCourseWare provides free access to MIT's course materials, including AI-related courses. Learners can access lecture notes, assignments, and readings on AI topics like machine learning, artificial intelligence ethics, and more.

I personally started my coding journey, finishing up a crash course on Python from Udemy, in which I learnt the basics of Python. Online guided courses are great as they teach you the fundamentals of coding while assigning you guided projects for you to code-along/attempt yourself. 

Coursera is my preferred choice as for a cheaper monthly fee, you can enroll in as many courses as you want. Coursera certificates typically hold more value than the rest as the final certificates come with the affiliate university’s logo on it as the courses are taught by certified university professors.

I have finished a lot of courses on Coursera as you can learn a variety of different topics ranging from machine learning to finance. 

Majoring in AI

Now that you have learnt more about the world of AI. You may be interested in pursuing a major that gets you into the AI industry. Choosing a major can be tricky as most universities do not have a specific AI major. If you have not done your college admissions research, worry not as we have done it for you.

Here's a list of different college majors that are relevant for a career in AI:

  • Computer Science: This is one of the most common and versatile majors for AI. It covers programming, algorithms, data structures, machine learning, and artificial intelligence fundamentals.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Some universities offer specialized AI majors that focus specifically on AI theory, algorithms, and applications. These programs delve deeper into topics like natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and intelligent systems.

  • Data Science: Data science majors emphasize statistical analysis, data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling. It's a multidisciplinary field that combines elements of mathematics, computer science, and domain expertise to extract insights from large datasets.

  • Mathematics: Mathematics provides a strong foundation for AI. Majors in mathematics typically cover topics like calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, and optimization, which are essential for understanding AI algorithms and models.

  • Statistics: Statistical analysis plays a crucial role in AI, particularly in machine learning and data analysis. A major in statistics equips you with knowledge of probability, statistical modeling, regression analysis, and experimental design.

  • Electrical Engineering: This major focuses on the hardware aspects of AI, such as designing and building computer systems, circuits, and specialized hardware accelerators for AI algorithms. It can also cover signal processing, control systems, and robotics.

  • Cognitive Science: Cognitive science explores the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and computer science. A major in cognitive science can provide insights into human cognition and help in developing AI systems that mimic or understand human intelligence.

  • Robotics: Robotics majors cover the design, construction, and programming of robots. This field encompasses AI techniques for perception, planning, and control, as well as the mechanical and electrical aspects of robotics.

  • Software Engineering: While not explicitly focused on AI, a major in software engineering can provide a solid foundation in software development, algorithms, and system design. These skills are highly valuable when working on AI projects.

  • Computer Engineering: Computer engineering combines elements of computer science and electrical engineering. It focuses on the design and development of computer systems, including hardware and software, which are essential components of AI systems.

  • Neuroscience: Neuroscience majors study the structure and function of the nervous system. This knowledge can be valuable when working on AI systems that aim to understand and simulate aspects of human brain function.

  • Philosophy: Philosophy majors, particularly those specializing in philosophy of mind or philosophy of AI, can explore the ethical, moral, and philosophical implications of AI technology. They can contribute to the development of responsible and ethical AI systems.

Prepping for college

Preparing your college application may be extremely tricky and daunting as a lot of you may be clueless on which extracurriculars to participate in that will give you a boost in your college applications. 

When googling for the best extracurricular activities to participate in, articles often have very vague suggestions such as ‘participate in leadership roles’ or ‘do internships’. None of them actually guide you on the specific extracurriculars to do and how to find them.

Worry not as I have compiled a guide for the best extracurriculars and where to apply for them when aiming to pursue a career in AI.

1) Participate in competitions

These include hackathons and other competitions. Participate in AI competitions like  Kaggle, AI Hackathons, or data science challenges. These provide opportunities to apply your skills, learn from others, and solve real-world AI problems. I have included several below:

  • AI For Good Global Summit Challenge: Organized by AI For Good, this challenge encourages high school students to develop AI projects that address global issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare. Information about the competition can be found on the AI For Good website.

  • Technovation Challenge: Technovation offers a competition specifically for girls aged 10-18. Participants work in teams to develop a mobile app and business plan that solves a real-world problem. While not exclusively focused on AI, AI technologies can be incorporated into the app. Details can be found on the Technovation website.

  • FIRST Robotics Competition: FIRST Robotics offers a competition where high school students design and build robots to compete in various challenges. The competition includes an autonomous mode where AI techniques can be utilized. Visit the FIRST Robotics website to learn more.

  • Kaggle Competitions: Kaggle hosts various machine learning competitions throughout the year. While some competitions may be more advanced, there are often beginner-friendly challenges suitable for high school students. Check the Kaggle website for ongoing competitions and look for those with lower complexity levels.

  • AI Challenger: AI Challenger is an international AI competition that covers a wide range of AI-related tasks, including image recognition, natural language processing, and more. They have different competition tracks suitable for various skill levels. Information about the competition can be found on the AI Challenger website.

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2) AI Internships

Seek out internships at AI companies, research institutions, or startups. This hands-on experience allows you to work on real-world AI projects, gain industry exposure, and develop practical skills. 

There is an entire article with an in-depth guide on how to look for and apply for internships if you are interested and want to know more. I currently have 3 AI internships thus far. 

The easiest way to apply for internships is through linkedin easy apply. All you have to do is send your resume out and undergo an interview to receive a job offer. Internships are typically easy to get as you are only paid a small stipend so most companies can afford to hire you.

Here are a list of websites to look for internship opportunities:

  • InternMatch: InternMatch is a platform that provides internship listings for students, including high schoolers. While not AI-specific, it offers a wide range of internships in various fields, including technology and computer science.

  • Chegg Internships: Chegg Internships is a popular online platform that features internship listings for students. While it caters to college students, it also provides opportunities for high school students interested in gaining industry experience, including AI-related internships.

  • Idealist: Idealist is a platform that focuses on connecting individuals with volunteer, internship, and job opportunities in the non-profit sector. While not AI-specific, it lists various internships in organizations working on social impact projects where AI may be involved.

  • WayUp: WayUp is a platform that specializes in connecting college students and recent graduates with internships and entry-level jobs. It occasionally features internships suitable for high school students, including opportunities in technology and AI-related fields.

  • STEMconnector: STEMconnector is a resource hub that provides information and opportunities for students interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. It offers internship listings that encompass a wide range of STEM disciplines, including AI.

  • Glassdoor: Glassdoor is primarily known as a job and company review website, but it also features internship listings. You can search for AI-related internships using keywords and filters, and some positions may be suitable for high school students.

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that offers job and internship listings. Create a profile and search for AI internships using relevant keywords. Connecting with professionals in the field and joining AI-related groups on LinkedIn can also help in finding opportunities. Through LinkedIn easy apply, you can apply for internships just by sending your resume out.

3) Write your own AI research paper

I have an entire blog dedicated to writing an AI research paper so check that out if you want a full guide. 

A high school research paper in the context of AI refers to a student's exploration and investigation of a specific topic related to artificial intelligence. It involves conducting thorough research, analyzing existing literature, and potentially performing experiments or simulations to gather data and draw conclusions. 

High school research papers on AI can contribute to the broader field by providing new insights, exploring applications, or proposing novel approaches within the scope of AI research. Such papers serve as valuable learning experiences for students, allowing them to delve into the complexities of AI and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field. 

The crew here at Inspirit AI have conducted a good amount of research papers regarding AI and other projects. If you are interested in reading several examples, click on the links below: NOTE: All credit for these projects goes directly to the authors and their mentors

Inspirit AI’s 1:1 mentorship program is also open for applications now. Check https://www.inspiritai.com/returning-programs if you are interested. 

4) Conducting an AI project

Here at Inspirit AI, I too have designed an interesting object detection algorithm model used in autonomous vehicles.

Attached are the slides to my presentation YOLO Final Presentation

Below, I will briefly explain the algorithm behind this project:

YOLO (You Only Look Once) is an advanced object detection algorithm that revolutionized real-time object detection tasks. Unlike traditional object detection algorithms that perform multiple region proposals and subsequent classification, YOLO adopts a single unified neural network architecture that predicts object bounding boxes and class probabilities directly from raw images.

The YOLO algorithm divides the input image into a grid and assigns bounding boxes and class probabilities to each grid cell. Each bounding box contains the coordinates of the detected object along with the associated confidence score. YOLO applies a set of predefined anchor boxes of different sizes to capture objects of varying scales and aspect ratios.

The key advantage of YOLO is its exceptional speed, making it highly suitable for real-time applications. By treating object detection as a regression problem, YOLO achieves impressive performance while maintaining efficiency. Additionally, YOLO can detect multiple objects within a single grid cell and handle overlapping objects effectively.

However, one limitation of YOLO is that it may struggle with accurately detecting small objects or objects with significant variations in size. While subsequent iterations of YOLO, such as YOLOv2 and YOLOv3, introduced improvements to mitigate these limitations, they still exist to some extent.

Overall, YOLO has significantly advanced object detection by providing a fast and accurate solution for real-time applications. Its simplicity, efficiency, and ability to detect multiple objects in a single pass make it a popular choice for various computer vision tasks, including autonomous driving, surveillance, and object recognition in videos.

Apart from Inspirit AI, here are some other websites and programs for guided AI projects:

  • AI4ALL: AI4ALL offers summer programs and AI education initiatives for high school students. They aim to increase diversity and inclusion in AI by providing hands-on learning experiences, mentorship, and exposure to cutting-edge research.

  • Stanford AI Lab Outreach Summer Program: Stanford AI Lab hosts a summer outreach program that allows high school students to engage in AI research projects under the guidance of Stanford researchers. The program focuses on machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics.

  • MIT Primes: MIT Primes is a research program for high school students that offers a wide range of research opportunities, including projects related to AI. Participants work closely with MIT researchers on their projects and receive mentorship throughout the program.

  • UC Berkeley AI4ALL: UC Berkeley's AI4ALL program provides summer workshops and research experiences for high school students interested in AI. The program offers hands-on projects, seminars, and exposure to AI research at UC Berkeley.

While I have only listed 4 examples above, I believe that those are the best and most relevant extracurricular activities for AI. If you are applying to universities that look for holistic applicants, you should attempt to run for board of director and exec positions at a variety of relevant clubs and participate in communal events e.g raising money for social good etc.

All the best for college applications!

Dear College Applicants,

I understand how daunting college applications may be to a lot of you. It seems as if the moment you have been looking forward to your whole life has finally arrived and the entire process may seem nerve-wrecking so this letter of encouragement goes out to all of you.

I would like to just take a moment to commend you on your hard work and dedication throughout the college application process. The journey you've embarked upon requires determination, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to your goals, and I applaud you for your efforts and your tireless sacrifices.

You have poured countless hours into studying, preparing for exams, writing essays, and carefully crafting your applications. You've sought out recommendations, engaged in extracurricular activities, and challenged yourself academically. Your pursuit of higher education is a testament to your ambition and the belief in your own potential.

As you navigate the anticipation and uncertainty that come with waiting for admissions decisions, I want to assure you that your hard work will not go unnoticed. The countless hours of effort, the late nights spent studying, and the personal growth you've experienced will contribute to your success, no matter the outcome.

Remember that the college admissions process is just one chapter in your life's story. It is an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings. Each experience, whether it leads you to your dream school or takes you on a different path, will shape you into the remarkable individual you are meant to become.

No matter the outcome, believe in yourself and your abilities. Trust that your hard work will be recognized and that the right opportunities will come your way. You are resilient, capable, and destined for greatness. Success is not solely defined by the name of the college you attend, but by the dedication and passion you bring to your education and future endeavors.

So, as you await the decisions, take a deep breath and acknowledge the incredible journey you've undertaken. Embrace the excitement and embrace the unknown, knowing that you have already achieved so much. Trust in yourself, for your hard work and determination will undoubtedly lead you to the path that is meant for you.

Failing to get into your dream school does not mark the end of the road but rather the start of a new chapter. Regardless of the outcome, remain optimistic and hopeful and keep pushing yourself to be the very best that you can be. 

Wishing you all the best in your college journey and beyond. Remember, you are capable, you are deserving, and you will succeed.

With admiration and encouragement,


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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Caleb Choo, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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