AI for Good: Applications in Education, Healthcare and Law


Artificial intelligence (AI) remains the hype media story following the launch of ChatGPT in 2022, one of the most rapidly adopted technologies in history. With new products like Stable Diffusion and Copy AI trending exponentially on Google and social media, is AI just another passing craze for tech enthusiasts? 

Believe it or not, AI has been around since the 1950s and has permeated into many job industries. The AI industry itself has created a variety of job roles that were non-existent less than a decade ago. Besides technology and robotics, AI provides massive cost-saving and efficiency benefits to the education, healthcare, and legal industries, improving services for end users. Future teachers, doctors, and lawyers can explore below how AI has the potential to impact their careers and why signing up for the A.I. Scholars Program could help for future careers. 

AI in Education: Personalized Learning For All

The traditional classroom model, where one teacher is responsible for a large class, is fundamentally flawed. Learning is a highly individual process where each student has a unique learning style. Expecting a single teacher to stand at the front of a large classroom and provide a one-size-fits-all educational experience is not effective. Students who get more attention achieve an amount equivalent to three additional months of schooling over four years, compared with students in a large class.

Teachers face immense pressures too, both in and outside the classroom. Besides instructing a diverse group of students, they're also expected to be attuned to each student's individual needs. This is in addition to managing their already huge workload, which includes grading, lesson planning, and classroom management.

Personalized learning platform Cognii allows each student to receive the attention they deserve, while simultaneously alleviating some of the teacher’s workload. The AI-powered platform acts as a virtual learning assistant who knows exactly what students need to excel in their studies. It uses algorithms to curate individualized lesson plans that focus on each student's academic weaknesses, filling gaps in understanding with remarkable precision. An analytics dashboard for teachers reports on where individual students need to focus plus the learning status of the class as a whole. 

One of the most powerful features of Cognii is its adaptive learning model. The platform utilizes machine learning to continually refine its teaching methods, ensuring that students always receive lessons tailored to their current needs. This adaptability has made Cognii exceptionally effective in keeping students' attention and improving their learning. 

Unsurprisingly, Cognii has received awards and growth due to its success in the classroom. It demonstrates how AI can transform the way children learn everywhere. 

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AI in Healthcare: Improved Treatment and Patient Experience

The healthcare industry is crucially making up 10% of global GDP. However, it is full of issues, from mishandling sensitive medical data to bureaucratic processes that prevent quality patient care. Inefficiencies, hard-to-understand insurance paperwork, and low-quality care are leaving patients entirely unsatisfied. 

AI can reduce many inefficiencies due to its ability to analyze large datasets quickly, offering real-time, personalized care advice. It can help make more accurate diagnoses by scanning medical literature and patient history and recommending treatments tailored to individual patient needs and conditions.

BurstIQ exemplifies how AI can make a transformative impact on healthcare via data solutions. The company uses blockchain technology and AI algorithms to create a secure, efficient healthcare data ecosystem. Blockchain ensures that healthcare data is protected from being hacked, shared without permission, or changed. 

In addition to blockchain, BurstIQ uses AI algorithms to sift through this data to analyze patient history and current conditions, predicting specific disease risks and recommending personalized treatment plans. It extends these efficiencies to healthcare operations, optimizing everything from hospital resource allocation to patient scheduling. Since the data is encrypted, individuals can share or monetize their encrypted health data in a marketplace. Researchers can access this marketplace to gather real-world data for clinical studies, making it a mutually beneficial arrangement.

AI in Law: Streamlining Justice

The legal industry has a complex framework of rules, regulations, and reams of paperwork. It’s a field that is often criticized for being slow and expensive because of the time it takes to research using legal documents. The hours of work translate into hefty bills for clients and an inefficient work environment prone to errors.

AI’s fast data analysis can drastically reduce the time lawyers spend on research and provide more accurate and comprehensive results. Additionally, the technology can analyze previous court decisions, legal precedents, and even current laws to predict the outcome of cases, thereby offering better legal advice.

ROSS Intelligence uses advanced machine learning algorithms to sift through millions of legal documents in seconds, providing lawyers with precise, contextually relevant information. Lawyers can ask questions in natural language as if conversing with a colleague and get instant, relevant answers. The research process is more efficient and reliable, as ROSS can cross-reference countless sources that a person might overlook.

In an industry where time equals money, AI technologies are not just luxuries; they're necessities that are revolutionizing law practice by increasing speed and accessibility. 

How Can You Be Part of AI for Good?

Students need to become educated on how AI can impact their future careers, even if they aren’t planning on working in the tech industry. Teachers, healthcare professionals, and lawyers are increasingly interacting with AI for work. The A.I. Scholars program makes AI accessible for high school students, offering an understanding of AI principles and real-world applications for future careers.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

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