High School Research Programs: What are the Best High School Research Programs?

In this blog post, we will be covering what high school research programs are, why you should join them, and provide a list of some high school research programs.

We hope you can use this post as a guide when you make a decision on whether you should attend such a program and when you select which one to attend.

What High School Research Programs Are

High school research programs are an opportunity for high school students to engage in research in a subject area they like or are interested in. High schoolers can learn more about the topic, increase their creativity/skills, and have a pleasant experience. This can also help them decide whether they like that particular area, and whether they would like to pursue a career in it.

There are many high school research programs, and not just in science—they can be in any field. They all can be helpful and engaging. They can last from a month long to several months, depending on the type of research, where it is being held, and schedule of the research hoster.

Why You Should Join a High School Research Program

There are many benefits to attending a high school research program! Attendees get to learn more about what they are studying, have a new experience, learn new skills (or sharpen old ones), explore different careers, and much more!

At the end of the research program, you may be asked to create a research paper summarizing what you learned and what your role in the research was. This will help you learn a new skill which you might end up using frequently later on! Some research programs will have different means of concluding what you learned, so there is a lot of variety.

Additionally, you can use the research you’ve done and submit it to research competitions, such as the Regeneron Science Talent Search. Other than just becoming knowledgeable, you can procure achievement in contests and even receive prizes!

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A List of the Best High School Research Programs

We have compiled a list of some high school research programs below that may catch your interest. We encourage you to explore and find something you are passionate about! There are many opportunities, and a quick Google search can also aid you in finding other programs.


Students receive guidance from mentors who are skilled in AI as they collect data, form research questions, and conduct research using models trained on data (machine learning). Students will create a machine learning model, write a research paper, and become more knowledgeable about the field they researched in through 10 or 25 1:1 sessions with an experienced mentor.


A summer opportunity that lasts for seven weeks, every weekday from 9 to 4 for New York City students that are rising juniors or seniors. Students interested in STEM learn more about extensive research, writing, the scientific process, and the ethics of research. There are many different fields that research can be done in, such as bioengineering, chemical engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.


A six week research program in the summer that takes place at Boston University for rising seniors. There will be 40 hours of hands-on research conducted each week in a variety of fields, where students will learn skills relating to technology and analysis and be able to submit their project to national competitions. The topics of the scientific method, ethical concerns, research papers, creating and sharing content will be covered.


An opportunity for students completing 11th grade presented by the Center for Excellence in Education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a six week program that takes place in the summer where students from all around the world first receive STEM education and then experience the research process. They are updated on current events in their field, create a research plan, conduct the research, and then report their data, all under the guidance of researchers and scientists.


An opportunity for high school students that takes place in Seattle to connect with experts in the domain (including teachers from different organizations). They are able to see how professionals work so that they can get preparation for when they embark on the same journey.


An eight week program where 16+ years old are able to conduct research for a medical purpose with Stanford professors. They get to learn more about biology and medicine, along with understanding how they can do scientific research.


A place for high schoolers to put on the researcher hat and create projects that they are passionate about with real-world applications. There are many fields that students can engage themselves in, such as bioengineering, design lab, life sciences, marine science, school of medicine, and business research.

Please find more high school research programs simply by searching for them!

Some Tips on How You Can Attend a High School Research Program

If there is a written portion in the application section of the program, make sure to let your passion shine through! Demonstrate your interest and highlight what you hope to gain from the experience.

If you are chosen to attend, participate as much as you can so that you receive the richest experience possible. Being fully engaged will help you understand what is going on and learn the most. Be open-minded through the entire process.


We hope the information and compilation of some high school research programs has gotten you interested and decide to apply for one of them or take initiative to search for other programs that might be tailored closer to what you are looking for.

We wish you luck in your research journey and hope you learn more about what you are interested in!

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Anshika Jain, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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