11 Georgetown Summer Programs for High School Students

At Georgetown University, the summer months are not just a hiatus from studies; they are an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in transformative experiences that go beyond the conventional confines of a classroom. Georgetown's diverse and enriching summer programs cater to a myriad of interests, providing a unique chance for students to explore their passions, develop new skills, and lay the foundation for future success. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey through eleven compelling Georgetown summer programs, each promising not only an intellectually stimulating experience but also a transformative summer that transcends the ordinary.

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11 Georgetown Summer Programs for High School Students

1. College Prep Program

Make your college application stand out from the crowd through the College Prep Program. In this five-week program, you’ll have the opportunity to take a university course with current undergraduate students, learn from renowned Georgetown faculty, and earn college credit. Throughout the program, you’ll also attend College Prep Seminars, where you’ll master test-taking strategies for the SAT and ACT, prepare for the college search and admissions process, and develop valuable skills that will help you succeed in college and beyond.

As a student in the College Prep Program, you’ll take one 3- or 4-credit course and are required to participate in College Prep Seminars. Credit courses are scheduled each day Monday through Thursday, and meet for two hours per class, for a total of eight hours of class per week. Homework could include readings, essays, research papers, group projects, quizzes, midterms, and final exams. 

2. Summer College

This summer, get a head start and earn college credit at Georgetown. Summer College courses ease your transition into the college learning environment through a blend of lectures, class discussions, and featured guest speakers. You’ll have the opportunity to take classes with current undergraduate students, learn from prestigious Georgetown faculty, and engage in challenging coursework that will prepare you for success in college and beyond. Choose from an approved list of five-week on-campus courses, eight-week online courses, or opt to do a combination of both. Upon completion of your course(s), you will have access to an official transcript from Georgetown University.

If you’re seeking a more rigorous academic experience, you can take two courses per session, earning up to 12 total credits (a full semester at most universities). Students who complete two courses in a session will receive a Summer Honors Intensive Certificate upon completing their studies.

Select college credit courses are also available in an online format during the eight-week Summer College Online. Online courses feature the same content as on-campus courses, but in an entirely virtual format.

3. American Politics Academy

In the American Politics Academy, you’ll take an in-depth look at the three branches of government through a blend of lectures and debate exercises. You’ll learn about the important role that political parties, public opinion, and special interest groups can have on shaping political behavior and decisions while exploring how America’s changing culture impacts political movements and, ultimately, federal, state, and local policies. You’ll have opportunities to hear from key elected officials, Capitol Hill staff, lobbyists, and policymakers who will join class discussions on congressional campaigns, legislative priorities, and emerging national issues.

You'll attend academic programming between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. during the weekdays, which will include lectures, guest speakers, hands-on activities, group discussions, and off-site visits. At the end of the day, you'll have opportunities to participate in optional co-curricular events, free time, and residential living activities until curfew.

4. Creative Writing Academy

Transform your dreams, ideas, and stories into organized, compelling, creative written works with dynamic lectures in craft topics, workshop sessions with graduate student instructors, and insightful, productive feedback from your peers. This combination of instructional approaches will help you generate and polish a wealth of new poems, stories, and essays, and allow you to experiment with innovative forms in the field of creative writing. The Academy will also focus on the publishing and professionalization aspects of the industry, exploring what markets are available for your writing, what jobs are available to creative writers, funding opportunities for your work, undergraduate and graduate programs in writing, and how to get published. Topics for discussion will include literary form and targeted craft points, often in relation to social, political, and environmental themes. In addition, this week-long program will feature excursions to sites around Washington, D.C., including an exercise in ekphrastic writing at the National Gallery of Art and the chance to read your work aloud at Busboys and Poets, a famous D.C. literary hub.

5. Law Academy

From nationally recognized attorneys and prosecutors to politicians and judges, many of the nation's lawmakers and legal experts received their education at Georgetown. As a student in the Law Academy, you will follow in the footsteps of these distinguished legal professionals and explore your passion for the law with expert faculty, enthusiastic mentors, and talented peers who share your interests.

Through lectures, guest speakers, and discussion sections, this program offers not only an introduction to jurisprudence but also a look at how laws are adjudicated and administered. You’ll examine the most controversial issues of the day and explore how America's legal institutions change as popular values, standards, and perspectives evolve. You will also learn from Georgetown University faculty and other legal experts, and get a chance to sample the Georgetown undergraduate experience.

6. Medical Academy

In Georgetown's 3-Week Medical Academy, you'll register for one of three tracks (Anatomy & Physiology, Neuroscience, or Emergency Medicine), and get a snapshot of a first-year medical school curriculum while learning from Georgetown University School of Medicine faculty and medical students. Throughout the program, you’ll investigate contemporary medical challenges facing society today, discuss the latest advances affecting the applied science of medicine, and interact with experts from the field to learn how to pursue a career in medicine. In each of the three tracks––anatomy & physiology, emergency medicine, or neuroscience medicine––you’ll delve into your chosen area of study, gaining a deeper understanding of the topic through classroom learning as well as hands-on projects, case studies, and, in most tracks, lab work. 

7. Bridges to Social Justice

This 2-Week Academy serves as an introduction to the multiple pathways that you can take toward the creation of a more just and humane world. Grounded in both the Social Change Model of Leadership (SCML) and the Pathways of Public Service and Civic Engagement framework, this academy will provide you with content and context to support your understanding of the injustices and structural oppression perpetuating harm in society. We will focus on the HOW: the intersecting and necessary ways to create social change through community-engaged research; community organizing and activism; direct service; decolonial philanthropy; advocacy for public policy; and social entrepreneurship for the common good. Through this exploration, you will develop a self-awareness of your own strengths and capacities for participation in work for social change. These two weeks will also provide you the opportunity to explore how your future college studies and careers can contribute to combating injustice and building peace.

Taking advantage of Georgetown’s location in Washington, DC, you will learn directly by engaging with diverse stakeholders from colleagues at policy think tanks to local, national, and international organizations committed to civil, economic, and human rights.

Through site visits, you will also experience Washington, DC, beyond the monuments, and learn about its rich social justice history and the city’s current challenges around racism and inequity. Experiential hands-on activities will provide opportunities for practice in public speaking, facilitation, project design, and listening, led by undergraduate mentors and Georgetown faculty.

8. Sports Industry Management Academy

Georgetown's Sports Industry Management Academy introduces you to the increasing career options in the sports industry—a $250 billion-a-year business that continues to be one of the fastest-growing fields in the world. You'll get an inside look behind the scenes of the industry to explore how events on the field, in the front office, and behind the camera are intricately linked to boardrooms, retail locations, and homes around the country.

9. U.S. Campaigns & Elections Academy

In partnership with the Institute of Politics and Public Policy at the McCourt School of Public Policy, the U.S. Campaigns & Elections Academy will provide you with a framework to understand the elements needed for a successful campaign. Through this Academy, you'll explore what it takes to start, manage, and lead a political campaign. You'll learn from political operatives and industry experts, attend college-level lectures, engage in group discussions, and participate in workshops, simulations, and field trips. You'll also study how campaign narratives are developed and gain tips for building a leadership team to win. At the end of the week, you'll put your newfound knowledge to work in a mock campaign, where you'll create a realistic campaign plan as part of a team.

10. Business Academy

Georgetown's Business Academy introduces you to the ins and outs of the business world. Combining investment challenges and group presentations with dynamic faculty lectures and case studies, this program prepares you with the practical skills and critical thinking abilities that will benefit you in your future academic and professional endeavors.

You'll register for one of two distinct tracks: Business & Leadership or Global Business. In each track, you’ll gain valuable exposure to important business topics and methods of analysis while learning from Georgetown McDonough School of Business professors and leading experts in the field. Throughout the program, you'll also participate in business simulations that take you through the process of becoming an entrepreneur and starting a company.

11. Foreign Policy Academy

Combining lectures, talks by policymakers, visits to a number of foreign Embassies, crisis simulations, and group discussions, Georgetown's Foreign Policy Academy introduces you to the many components that inform and create U.S. foreign policy. Throughout your time in the program, you'll develop your critical thinking and interpretive skills while examining key international crises and world leaders' responses and policy choices in a global arena. You'll also analyze the factors that affect the decision-making process and theories and methods used to formulate and implement policies.

By the time you complete the program, you'll have a deeper understanding of American foreign and defense policy, the complexities of terrorism threats, the influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and think tanks, strategies for aid and democracy-building, and the underpinnings of foreign commerce and trade policies.


Georgetown's summer programs are not just about acquiring knowledge; they are about fostering a passion for learning, encouraging critical thinking, and instilling a sense of purpose. Whether engaging in legal debates, delving into global affairs, honing business acumen, or advocating for social justice, students emerge from these programs not only with enhanced skills but also with a broader perspective on the world.

As these young minds return to their high school classrooms or venture into higher education, they carry with them the invaluable lessons learned at Georgetown—lessons that extend beyond textbooks and lectures. The summer programs become a catalyst for personal growth, empowering students to navigate the complexities of the future with confidence, curiosity, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Georgetown's investment in these bright minds during the summer months lays the groundwork for a future generation of leaders who are not just academically adept but also socially conscious and equipped to face the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.

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