STEM Programs for Students: What is Girls Who Code

There is an endless list of STEM programs for students, but Girls Who Code is one of the top ones on the list. In this blog, we will discuss what Girls Who Code is, its benefits, and the different programs they offer for all students.

What is Girls Who Code?

Girls Who Code is an international non-profit organization that empowers females to close the gender gap in technology and STEM fields. Not only do they support females by offering programs directed towards them to help them succeed, but they also prepare females for future jobs and internships through their many STEM programs for students. Girls Who Code values bravery, sisterhood, and activism as they believe that ambitious and resilient girls will be prepared to lead and improve the workforce as being diverse is what makes everyone stronger.

Benefits of Girls Who Code

Participating in Girls Who Code opens many opportunities for females as they will be exposed to new experiences that will prepare them for the future and gain important skills for everyday life and in the workforce with their STEM programs. The Girls Who Code community is a very welcoming and inclusive sisterhood where females are able to make an impact and gain new connections.


Being a part of the Girls Who Code community opens new opportunities for students to further their programming skills and gain new connections. Girls Who Code offers many opportunities for students to have a future in computer science and make an impact on many lives through the many STEM programs they offer. With Girls Who Code, a door opens full of endless opportunities for students to participate in!


The Girls Who Code community is very inclusive and welcoming as everyone wants to see each other strive to do their best. Sisterhood is a major component of Girls Who Code where everyone supports and works with each other. Girls Who Code encourages a diverse group of individuals with unique abilities, skills, and opinions to join as they make the organization stronger.


Girls Who Code has many opportunities for students to gain important skills for the future in computer science and in general. Girls Who Code provides many STEM programs for students that aim to increase teamwork and programming skills, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills.

The Girls Who Code community encourages teamwork and helps each member to improve their self-confidence by providing a welcoming and encouraging community who want each other to succeed. Through the programs provided, students can improve their programming and problem-solving skills through the challenges presented to them. 

All of these skills we have listed are important for students to have in and out of school, and Girls Who Code continues to encourage students to gain such important skills to succeed and make an impact.

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Girls Who Code Programs

Girls Who Code offers many STEM programs for students who identify as female or non-binary. All of their programs are free and aim to increase the interest and skills in computer science within their members.


Students can create a Girls Who Code club at their school and Girls Who Code has partnered with school districts, library networks, and afterschool programs across the country. For grades 3 to 5, club members read and discuss one of their best-selling books and complete creative challenges. The curriculum, meeting guides, and tutorials are all free, and facilitator support is provided. For grades 6 through 12, club members continue to build upon their programming skills and community as they complete coding projects. Girls Who Code offers a free curriculum, meeting guides, and tutorials, and facilitator support is provided as well.

Girls Who Code clubs impact communities and build sisterhood and programming skills. Students work in teams to complete projects that solve real-world problems in their community, and being a part of sisterhood means that students are able to join a safe and supportive environment where students can learn to see themselves as computer scientists. In addition to building one’s self-confidence and helping one’s community, students also learn the basics of all programming languages so they will be ready to dive deeper into specific programming languages of their choice.


Girls Who Code offers 2 summer programs that take place online where students can increase their programming skills and learn more about the future of computer science through live talks. They open opportunities for students who identify as girls or non-binary to learn in a style that works best for them while making meaningful connections where no prior computer science experience is needed.

The Summer Immersion Program is a 2 week virtual STEM program for students in grade 9 through 11 and summer alumni who can apply and attend live, virtual classes. Students will get an introduction to game design and learn beginner to intermediate computer science concepts and design processes. Students also are exposed to the technology industry as the classes are sponsored by industry-leading companies.

The Self-Paced Program is a 6 week STEM program open to students in grades 9 through 12, graduating seniors, and summer program alumni, who can explore web development and work on their own pact. Students have the opportunity to build community through weekly live advisory sessions and activities through the Girls Who Code cybersecurity or data science courses.


Girls Who Code offers a wide range of college and career programs for college-aged students and early career professionals that will support them to continue their computer science education and succeed in finding their first internships and jobs.

College Loops is a program for college-aged women and non-binary people to build a community in the tech world. They are student-led-on-campus organizations that help connect students with each other and provide support and resources to help them thrive.

Technical Interview Prep is a free, 2 part, 2 day bootcamp for 18 to 26-year-olds who are looking to improve their technical interview skills. Students participate in an online course to understand the different types of technical interviews, then practice what they have learned and gain feedback from peers, hiring managers, and recruiters.

Girls Who Code Talks is a webinar series for the Girls Who Code community that brings experts together to explore possible career paths in computer science and technical topics. Girls Who Code Talks is a series that discusses how to find an internship, a career in cybersecurity, how to prepare for an interview, and more!

Hiring Summit is hosted by Girls Who Code that connects job seekers to potential hiring partners. The Hiring Summit features speakers, panels, a community, lounge, and a resume book for hiring partners. The Summit is then followed by optional workshops for the participants.


Code at Home provides online and offline STEM activities for students, parents, and educators to participate in. There are varying levels of difficulty for each activity and they are all pioneered by innovative women in technology.

What is Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is an amazing organization that provides those who identify as women or non-binary with a diverse selection of STEM programs to participate in. Additionally, the inclusive, welcoming nature of Girls Who Code allows the community to bond closer together and be a part of sisterhood while being exposed to new skills and opportunities.

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About Inspirit AI

AI Scholars Live Online is a 10 session (25-hour) program that exposes high school students to fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build a socially impactful project. Taught by our team of graduate students from Stanford, MIT, and more, students receive a personalized learning experience in small groups with a student-teacher ratio of 5:1.

By Robyn Lam, Inspirit AI Ambassador


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