How to Effectively Study at Home: 10 Easy Tips from an IB Student

Today, we'll be discussing the top 10 ways to effectively study at home. Now, this is a very prevalent issue today, especially with systems such as online learning and Zoom being incorporated in schools/universities.

how to effectively study at home

Because this was such a drastic change in our daily lives, many, including myself, have had many difficulties adjusting to this virtual system of learning. One of my concerns initially was figuring out how to study well at home because of small distractions and nuisances you may have not dealt with previously.

Now, many students such as myself have been asking various questions about this topic, ranging from, “How do you manage your time?” to “What are tools you can use to study at home?”, and these are questions I’m able to address here.

To help figure out what works for you, I've created a list of 10 studying tips to help you study at home better.

10 study tips for studying at home

  1. Setting a Good Study Space

    While this may not initially seem like a huge factor that would change one’s study habits at home, it’s actually one of the most important. A setting that has a poor study space will distract people from their tasks, as well as cause feelings of discomfort and stress. Choosing a good studying space within a home/apartment is a great place to start. You will need a desk, a nearby plug, a chair with good support, and if possible, a place with natural light. It’s surprising how much a lack of natural light can affect your energy and study habits. Furthermore, it’s essential that this place is tidy and clean. Research shows that a clean space can help you think much more clearly.

  2. Routine

    A routine provides a structure to get things done, keeps little things from slipping through the cracks, and makes you able to plan properly. If you don’t set a routine, you will find yourself being easily distracted and getting barely any work done. First of all, it’s important to know what routine works best for you and this might not be your natural preference. As an example, if you know you are someone that works best in the morning, make sure you set that alarm and get up early. If you know you work better at night, create your schedule around this, but just make sure that this doesn’t affect your sleep.

  3. Organization

    Being organized is the icing to the cake in achieving what you want in life. So, once you’ve nailed down your daily routine, getting everything organized and ready to go can really motivate you when studying. Having a clear calendar, whether online or on pen and paper, is essential. Personally, I write a list of tasks I have to complete for that day on an app called Memeatic, which is actually a meme designer (I go to a meme template and list my necessary tasks there). In this calendar, enter tasks, projects, tests and assignments and this will help you to keep focused.

  4. Study Plan

    Once you’re properly organized, it’s now time to make a study plan. A study plan should help you plan and achieve your goals. For example, if you have exams or assessments coming up, plan for topics and questions that will be covered, and this will help you know what to focus on. When it comes to goal setting, make sure they are specific for each study session, like how many topics you will be able to cover by the end of the session.

  5. Eliminate Distractions

    When studying effectively, there will be many distractions around you. If you’re someone who is easily distracted with social media or messaging your friends (for me, it’s Reddit), then having a plan to help you resist the temptation of using your phone will significantly help. It’s a good idea to turn off your phone and place it somewhere not within your arm’s reach (or preferably out of sight).

  6. Sound

    You may be the kind of person who enjoys a little background noise when studying. However, the most important thing to do is make sure it’s something you prefer, such as music that you choose or a radio station you enjoy. Noise from your neighbor, traffic outside or television can be a distraction, so try to minimize this as much as you can. If everyday noise helps you focus, using apps like Spotify can recreate background noise as you please.

  7. Connect with Others

    For me, this one is especially important. It’s a great idea to organize a study session via Zoom or Skype, and this will help you to keep your focus and motivation. It will also add some social contact in your day, as well as the feeling of interacting with peers, so you don’t feel too isolated while studying. Connecting with others trying to reach the same goal as you will be a fantastic way to study, as well as a great opportunity to create new relationships.

  8. Be Healthy

    When studying, it’s important to nutritionally support your brain. Simple changes can make a huge difference, such as eating healthier snacks, limiting your pop and coffee intake, and sticking to three meals a day. Having a decent amount of exercise each week is also important for improving your ability to study effectively.

  9. Personalize

    Experiment with exactly how you design your study space. If you feel that you would perform better if all your study materials matched by color, then make it happen. Personalizing your study space reinforces focus, and can help you look forward to studying. For me, personally, I have a light next to my desk set on pure-white, contrasting more warmer tones available. This light feels much more direct to me, and helps me concentrate.

  10. Shut it off

    Using the same space to do multiple activities throughout the course of your day blurs the line when it comes to balancing your study time and your social life. It’s important to use other means to create a sense of closure to your studies. Shutting down your computer each day can give you that closure, or simply getting outside for some fresh air. Remember that a healthy mix of socializing and studying can bring some positivity in your life.


Studying during lockdown for many, including myself, can be a very difficult experience and it’s important to make sure you don’t lose motivation and focus during this time. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when learning how to effectively study at home. Regarding managing your time, creating a schedule and a plan, as well as adjusting your surroundings to your preference makes a big difference. Many tools can be used to study at home, such as peer collaboration, a calendar, and an organized plan. It’s worth noting that everyone has different abilities, strengths, weaknesses and distractions. Please take the time to understand what works for you and what doesn’t as you now have complete freedom to adapt your time and what you study to your preferences – do make the best of it!


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