Tips for Studying at Home as a High School Student During the Pandemic

Tips for Studying at Home as a High School Student During the Pandemic

If COVID has impacted anything, one of those things is definitely how we study.

Goodbye in-person schools, in-person study groups, in-person tests, and hello distance learning, Quizlet flashcards, and canvas quizzes.

It’s probably also safe to say that these new changes have created some bad habits. I’m sharing some study tips at home to help break those habits.

Setting the Stage

You have to consider your own study preferences: do you like to be alone, or with a group when you study?

If it’s the former, set up a dedicated study space in an out-of-the-way spot, or establish that space in a family room or some other busy place if it’s the second. Studying at home will require a good study space.

Then, it’s all about removing those distractions from your study space: stray piles, pencils, papers-yes, even those phones-all must be put away, or else you won’t be able to get in a clear enough headspace to study effectively.

Finally, the ergonomics. Break out the snacks, comfy beanbag, or music (don’t keep your phone close)! I recommend music without lyrics, like lofi or classical.

Your study space is all set! Now, let’s get into some study tips while studying at home.

The Main Act

I have a variety of different methods for this.

Whenever you learn something new, ask yourself, what did I just learn? I recommend writing the information down in your own words, which will help you better remember.

You can also draw a chart.

Put your central study topic in the center, then the subtopics of that main topic branching out, then the details of those subtopics. Try not to go too detailed. Instead, try to tie certain words to your own understanding.

Flashcards are also an excellent idea!

The Leitner System is a great technique using flashcards, where you have several boxes, and all cards start out in the first box.

When you get a card right, you move it up one box.

If you get wrong, down a box. Review the first box every 30 mins, the second every 45, the third every 60, and so on and so forth.

Reading and Reviewing Your Notes

Reviewing materials after the fact is everything. Do a recap right before you sleep, after exercise, etc. These tips will help you succeed while studying at home.


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