Online Learning: Common Difficulties and Solutions as a High School Student

On March 11, 2020, the world health organisation declared the covid-19 an outbreak. Eventually, countless countries went into a lockdown, forcing people inside and effectively, forcing schools into a time of online learning. The school was moved from the campus onto our computer screen in the comfort of our home. Initially, many of us students looked to the bright side of doing school at home.

However, as the months passed, learning became more challenging. There are common difficulties students face but also simple solutions:

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Common Difficulties of Online Learning


There are multiple issues with online learning but first and foremost (from personal experience) is that it is harder to stay concentrated in a virtual classroom than in an actual classroom. Online students are more likely to get distracted by social media, games and other websites. Most notably, having cell phones next to you during a lesson makes it very tempting for students to use their phones which would be prohibited during lessons under normal circumstances.

In many cases, students attend online learning in their bedrooms, which is not necessarily associated with work. This change in environment can make it harder for a student to focus. Not to mention that prolonged screen time would tire someone making it harder to focus.


The move from in-person learning to online learning creates a solitary environment. Consequently, losing the reality of social connections. Even though virtual social connections can be made in online learning, they cannot replace the sentiment and value of in-person connections. Severing someone from their social life can affect their mental well-being, causing loneliness and lack of motivation and hindering their learning.

All these factors lead to increased stress and anxiety in a student. Humans are social creatures and losing the daily interactions with people cannot be fully supplemented through an online medium.


Regardless of the efficiency and accessibility of online learning, a very common issue most students have faced were technological issues during online learning like having an unstable internet connection.

Solutions to common issues of online learning

With every problem, there is a solution. First of all, setting expectations and etiquette during online lessons can ensure that a student is paying attention (replicating a classroom environment). These rules would include having a student's camera on and maintaining eye contact with the screen (not gazing off into the environment).

In addition, the school may state that a student has to attend lessons in a suitable and appropriate workplace, which would ideally be quiet with a stable internet connection to avoid connection issues.

Regarding screen time between lessons, perhaps a break is implemented to allow students to have time away from the screen. It is also highly recommended during break and lunchtimes to avoid spending time on a screen.


Even though an online medium cannot compensate for in-person human socialization, building a learning environment where students can talk freely and collaborate easily would promote social interaction. Through social media, they can stay in contact with friends after school hours to socialize and maintain friendships.


To tackle the issue of technological issues, teachers need to be trained to use the various software to aid students facing technological issues. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the software your school uses before lessons would help tremendously.

Why online learning cannot replace in-person learning

The most apparent and substantial reason online learning cannot replace in-person learning is student-teacher interaction. Students lose that interaction and communication with a teacher, such as saying good morning or asking how their weekend was. Even though you can do this online, the interpretation of body language and facial expressions is obscured.

Furthermore, you lose that interaction with the person sitting next to you or talking to someone when waiting outside class or in the hallways. Slowly, we realize how meaningful these small interactions were and how we took them for granted. However, many schools have been forced into online learning due to circumstances, and it is better to be safe than sorry.


  1. Banks, | by A. (2020, November 2). Common obstacles students face in a virtual classroom and how to manage them. Insights to Behavior, from

  2. Klawitter, A. (n.d.). 5 challenges students face with online learning and how to overcome them, from

  3. Gautam, P. (2021, May 12). Advantages and disadvantages of online learning. eLearning Industry, from


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