Where is AI Found: A High School Students Explains That It Can Be Found Everywhere We Go

What do we think of when we hear the phrase “Artificial Intelligence”? Oftentimes, when Artificial Intelligence is brought up in a conversation, huge robots that look like and mimic humans pop up in our thoughts, but were you aware that Artificial Intelligence is found nearly everywhere we go?

Image courtesy of Carnegie Mellon

Where is AI found in my daily life?

Think about the last time you visited your local Walmart and tried to pay for your items at the cash register serviced by an employee, unfortunately, they were slow scanners, and you were still in line behind many customers. You were in a rush. So, who came to the rescue? Luckily, you looked over to your side and saw a center of self-service checkouts! Quickly, you rush there and click the “pay” button on the screen, a friendly voice from the device greets and guides you towards the steps of completing your purchase, after leaving the store, it hits you that Artificial Intelligence helped you out!


We have all been in a situation where our hands weren’t available but we needed to do a quick task on our mobile devices. Oftentimes, we raise our voices and exclaim such phrases like “Hey, Siri”, “Hey, Google”, “Hey, Alexa”, etc. and after that, we request for a task to be done for us. These mini but loud human-like voices from our devices respond and help us. They are AI-based voice assistants, they are able to comprehend human voices and our natural speech patterns, of course, AI voice assistants aren’t at their all-time best, they tend to struggle at comprehending us humans at times. As the world of Artificial Intelligence progresses, things are slowly getting better, but don’t worry! The chance of robots taking complete power over society is very low!


Think about a time when you were texting a friend and accidentally spelled a word wrong, then your phone quickly and automatically corrected it to the right spelling! This is one of the other ways that Artificial Intelligence sneaks into your life! It gets an idea of what you, as a human, is trying to say! The same thing with trying to detect who or what is in a picture, but in order to perform this task, the AI must be trained first. AI is like a baby, it doesn’t know much but it learns little by little as we humans teach it new things, and once it learns it can perform tasks without much assistance. “How is AI trained?”, you may be wondering, well AI is often trained throughout coding! To many, coding seems scary at first sight but don’t fear! You can easily find coding lessons and assistance online! Some useful resources such as Khan Academy are very clear and share multiple lessons!

Python is the most popular programming language used for coding with Artificial Intelligence. If you don’t know much about coding, don’t be discouraged. Python is extremely beginner-friendly! Even if we notice it or not, Artificial Intelligence is everywhere around us!


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